The four things that hurt your waist the most, but you are doing them every day! 8 simple yoga movements to take care of your lumbar spine!

This posture can make people feel relaxed, but if they always cross their legs, the pelvis, lumbar spine, and hip joints are prone to long-term compression, which not only causes lower back pain, but also may lead to lumbar disc herniation, scoliosis, sacroiliac joint relaxation, and other problems..

Suggestion: Definitely, definitely, never cross your legs, and at the same time, don’t take chances, thinking that changing legs can balance you..

Noseless Bike Seat

Scientists from the University of Queensland in Australia have found that sitting for 1 hour=smoking 2 cigarettes=reducing lifespan by 22 minutes..

We sit in chairs for several hours every day, and our spine, knees, and hips are in a bent state for a long time, especially the lumbar spine, which accumulates over time and can easily lead to pain, lumbar disc herniation, and other problems..

Suggestion: In work, it is important to develop the habit of getting up and walking regularly. Even standing up to receive a glass of water has a significant relieving effect. You can prepare a cushion to protect the lumbar spine as much as possible..

Standing posture not only affects image, but is also directly related to health. Check yourself, do you really like to stretch one leg out and focus on the other leg..

For a long time, uneven force on both sides of the lumbar spine can lead to pelvic distortion and spinal curvature..

Suggestion: Attention should be paid to maintaining the correct standing posture, with chest up, head up, arms relaxed and drooping, and weight evenly placed on both sides, which is conducive to bone alignment and smooth breathing..

A person who likes to sit on the sofa can see that when in a semi reclined position, the lumbar spine lacks sufficient support and the weight on the intervertebral discs increases. Over time, this may lead to muscle strain, scoliosis, and even cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation..

Suggestion: Sit straight and high, and make sure to buy a sofa that is slightly harder. You can put a pillow behind your waist..

In addition, in daily life, girls wearing high heels, carrying single shoulder bags for a long time, and men hunching and carrying heavy objects can also cause lower back pain..

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