Yoga is a way of life. Even if work is busy, give yourself yoga time, even if it’s only 10 minutes. Today’s sequence, just take
Month: March 2024

Mu: The numbness is severe, it’s just wood. It’s because blood and qi can’t pass through.. Bike Tool Kit Dilation: indicates sufficient qi, and this

Everyone knows that the practice of Astanga is very fluid and powerful, and the role of the gaze point here is very important, which can

Yoga for body and mind cultivation. Fingerprint Bike Lock Wujiayi breathing, also known as victorious breathing or throat breathing, is a method of nasal breathing

Cobra Pose, which is familiar to most people, requires the upper body to lift forward and upwards, like a cobra preparing to attack.. Today, starting

When practicing yoga, there are often many inquiries from yoga practitioners. For beginners who want to get yoga splits, what actions are the most effective

When practicing Salamba Sirsasana, fear is often the biggest enemy. Why? I will be afraid. Afraid of falling. Afraid of hurting oneself. I’m worried that

From birth to adulthood, people’s muscles and bones gradually move from flexibility to rigidity, which is a reflection of the vigorous vitality moving towards aging..

In some classical yoga books, it is recorded that there are as many as 84000 yoga postures, and this is only a rough estimate. Of

This article explains the significant significance of action yoga in terms of freedom and redemption. It should be noted that human suffering and misfortune are