If you have two pieces of bread, you should exchange one for a daffodil—— Plato. Since ancient times, emperors have been appointed, why not enfeoff
Month: March 2024

This posture can make people feel relaxed, but if they always cross their legs, the pelvis, lumbar spine, and hip joints are prone to long-term

Yoga practice is not just about holding a few breaths, finding corresponding sensations, and experiencing the feeling of muscle groups exerting force, which is the

8 bad habits that harm yoga practitioners. /MANDALA/. In yoga practice, we want to say that yoga practitioners who maintain good habits will not progress

Have you ever neglected strength training in yoga practice? Do you also think that yoga has little to do with strength? I’m confused why some

Have you ever neglected strength training in yoga practice? Do you also think that yoga has little to do with strength? I’m confused why some

The path of yoga is long, just starting to practice yoga, it’s either urgent or slow. Today, I have listed 10 suggestions for beginners in

The path of yoga is long, just starting to practice yoga, it’s either urgent or slow. Today, I have listed 10 suggestions for beginners in

A person who has no desire for sensory pleasure, no attachment to behavioral outcomes, and abandons all personal motives, achieves the perfection of yoga.. Yoga

Guy Donahaye, author of the book “Inheritance” by Senior A Tang -5-day workshop. The breathing ability of our lungs is crucial to our health and