Yoga Story | GURU TEG BAHADUR’s Story in Banaras!

The belowtext is excerpttaken from the book Heroes, Saints and Yogis: Tales of Self Discovery and the Pathof SikhDharma, compiled by ShaktiParwha Kaur Khalsa and Guruka Singh Khalsa.

When GuruTegBahadur wasborn,hewasnamedTyalMal(masterofunattachment).Helivedwithhisfather GuruHargobind andhismother Nanaki inthecityofAmritsar,wherehestudiedSikhscriptureswith BhaiGurdas andlearnedhowtouseweapons….

Hisweather, GuruHargobind, had the firstGurutotakearmsandlightbackagainstthe institution and religiousprejudicerampantin the country.

GuruTegBahadur was born under the name TyalMal (Master of Liberation).

He lives with his father Guru Hargobind and mother Nanaki in Amritsar, where he learns Sikh scriptures from Bhai Gurdas and how to use weapons.

His father Guru Hargobind was the first Guru to take up arms to counter rampant persecution and religious prejudice in the country.

In keeping with the Sikh principle of earning a living by honest labor, he was sent to live and work with the respected Baba Buddha on Ramdas Farm, even though he was already very old at the time, he still worked in the fields every day.

Naturallycalmandintrospective,whenhisbelovedmentordiedinlate1631,TyalMalbecameevenmorequietandwithdrawn.However,honoringthe Sikhideal oflivingafamilylife,hewasmarriedto BibiGujri inMarchof1632.Hewas11yearsold.Twoyearslater,when PaindeKhan andtheMoghulsattackedKartarpur,hefoughtsobravelyandfiercelyalongsidehisfatherGuruHargobind, That Gurupraisedhim for his expertswordsmanshipandrenamedhim “Teg Bahadur” (bravehielder of the word).

TyalMal has a calm and introspective nature.

At the end of 1631, after his beloved mentor passed away, he became even quieter and more isolated.

However, in order to respect Sikh’s concept of living at home, he married BibiGujri in March 1632.

He was 11 years old at the time.

Two years later, when Paind Khan and Mughal attacked Kartabur, he fought alongside his father GuruHargobind, fearless and fierce.

Guru praised his swordsmanship and renamed him TegBahadur (Brave Sword Holder).

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