New Yoga Life

What to do if the hamstring muscles are tight due to inflexibility in the cross section? This yoga sequence is super effective

Long periods of sitting and lack of exercise result in inflexibility of the hips and stiffness of the posterior thigh muscles.

How to effectively improve exercise performance and make the body stronger and more stable? Today, we will share a few simple, safe, and effective postures to stretch the hamstring muscles while making the hips more flexible.


Standing forward bend.

Mountain pose, with feet as wide apart as hips.

Inhale and extend the spine upward, exhale and bend forward.

Keep the back extended, embrace the elbows, and relax the head naturally, maintaining 5-8 breaths.


Down dog pose.

Push both hands onto the ground, entering down dog pose.

Relax the neck and shoulders, extend the back, retract the abdomen, push the sitting bones towards the highest point.

Tighten and lift the thigh surface, push the front back, step down on the heels, and maintain 5-8 breaths.

3 Half God Monkey.

Kneeling on all fours, prepare with the instep on the ground.

Take a big step forward with the left foot, straighten the left leg.

Right knee 90 degrees, inhale and extend the spine.

Exhale, fold down, grab the left toe with the left hand.

Maintain 5-8 breaths, switch to the other side.


Low Bow Step.

Half God Monkey Exit and enter Low Bow Step.

Take a big step back with the left foot, the instep of the calf on the ground.

The right calf is perpendicular to the ground, and the back remains extended.

Raise the arm, chest up, Keep your hips centered.

Take 5-8 breaths and switch to the other side.


Lizard pose.

Enter with a low lunge, opening your left foot to the side.

Inhale, and use your hands to extend your body forward.

Support your fingertips on the ground, extend your back.

Extend your left knee outward, and lower your hips downward.

Take 5-8 breaths and switch to the other side.


Half dove pose.

Enter in Lizard pose, with your right leg resting on the mat.

Place your big and small legs on the ground and your heel close to your body.

Extend your left leg straight, Point your toes directly behind you.

Move your left hip forward and right hip backward, straighten your hips.

Inhale, extend your spine, and push your fingertips to the ground.

Maintain 5-8 breaths, then switch to the other side.


Dove or half dove entry, inhale and extend your spine.

Exhale, fold your body forward, bend your elbows, and place your forehead on the back of your landing hand.

Relax your neck and shoulders, extend your back, and maintain 5-8 breaths.

Switch to the other side.


Dove variant.

Dove entry, Stand up straight on the upper body.

Extend the right hand to the outside of the right knee and support the ground.

Inhale, extend the spine, bend the left knee.

Grab the back of the left foot with the left hand, and look for the buttocks with the heel.

Maintain 5-8 breaths and switch to the other side.


Sit forward with one leg.

Prepare for sitting, straighten the legs together and bend the left knee, with the left foot close to the root of the right thigh.

Inhale, use both hands to extend the spine upwards.

Exhale, move the torso forward and downwards, and press the abdomen against the thigh.

Grasp the forefoot with both hands, Place your forehead on your calves, maintain 5-8 breaths, and switch to the other side.


Lie on your back and grab your feet.

Lie on the cushion, with your legs together and straight.

Exhale and lift your right leg up, using an extension strap.

Push your heels up, and relax your shoulders down.

Engage your core and press your left leg straight down.

Use both hands to pull your right leg close to your abdomen.

Maintain 5-8 breaths, and switch to the other side with flexible legs.

Stretching the hamstring muscles takes time, Persist and you will see progress.

Yoga practice is a test of perseverance, and if you persist, you will have an enviable figure and health! The content of the article is sourced from the internet.

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