New Yoga Life

Experience | The appearance of an excellent membership consultant made her yoga world suddenly clear!

Yoga Reading Notes | Yoga Training Notes | Yoga Practice Comprehension | Yoga Man’s Story | Yoga and Life In 2010, Sister Nan applied for a membership card at the Yoga Club.

At the beginning, she went to yoga classes every week.

She sweated during the class and felt very comfortable.

At that time, she felt that she was practicing yoga.

Occasionally, she would see the students in the opposite classroom holding books and taking notes in class.

Unlike her practice of postures in class, she felt very curious.

She asked the yoga membership consultant at that time, “What are those students doing?” The answer was that it was a yoga training class, training yoga coaches, different from ordinary member classes.

At that time, Sister Nan had a vague impression in her heart.

Since she did not plan to become a yoga teacher, the yoga training class had nothing to do with her.

She later learned that this is a major cognitive misunderstanding.

Yoga training courses are applicable to all people who are interested in yoga, regardless of age, gender, background, degree of yoga practice, etc.

Until the appearance of a new yoga membership consultant Miss Tao, her yoga world suddenly opened up.

Miss Tao is active and enthusiastic in her work.

She always invites Sister Nan to participate in the public welfare classes and public classes organized by Youji.

However, Sister Nan was busy at work at that time and had no chance to participate.

Miss Tao is not radical and will not be discouraged.

She is just quietly observing her personality and preferences, sharing some yoga knowledge in due time, and recommending a yoga teacher suitable for her, Teacher Xuefei.

Sure enough, Miss Tao is very intelligent.

After experiencing it once, Sister Nan decided to practice with Teacher Xuefei and decided that this was the yoga she wanted to learn.

She believes that the teaching method of teacher Xuefei is very suitable for beginners, especially those who are relatively stiff and have few exercises.

In a yoga class, teacher Sheffield will let the practitioners relax bit by bit through simple pranayama guidance and chanting, followed by yoga asana practice.

During this period, she will emphasize that the trainees should adapt to their own body and pay attention to their breathing, so that there will be less breathing tension, and the trainees will feel very comfortable.

It was this unexpected recommendation that Sister Nan trusted Miss Tao, the membership consultant, and seemed to know the way forward.

In the world of yoga, she is looking forward to finding a bright light in the clouds, but she has never been lighted by anyone.

When I met Miss Tao, the light finally came on.

Later, with her encouragement, Sister Nan attended the China Yoga Summit hosted by Yoji Yoga.

At the Yoga Summit, she learned about traditional yoga practices such as yoga breath control and meditation, which really opened the door to yoga.

Since then, taking yoga training classes, yoga workshops and training classes have become her daily routine.

Later, Sister Nan followed the famous meditation master Professor Dr.


Bhogal and Yogi Mohan, the founder and teaching director of Yogi Yoga (China), to systematically learn traditional yoga.

In the past six years, she has grown from an ignorant yoga practitioner to a senior yoga enthusiast, developed the habit of practicing yoga regularly, and gained some insights and insights into yoga postures, yoga philosophy, yoga physiotherapy, meditation, breath control, Ayurveda, etc.

Now looking at her teaching style, Sister Nan admitted that her teaching style integrated the characteristics of all teachers and added some of her own styles.

Since 2019, Sister Nan has continued to carry out public yoga teaching, sharing the knowledge learned to more people and reducing people’s misunderstanding of yoga.

Although she has moved back to her hometown in Tianjin, her heart to share and inherit traditional yoga has not changed, and she still regularly carries out yoga public benefit classes to carry forward traditional yoga.

For more stories about Sister Nan, please refer to: Experience | Awareness of Yoga: After the sixth day, the sense of taste is gone, but the meal is still delicious! Experience | A yoga rest skill.

You can feel your body floating! If you are serious about practicing yoga, please follow the professional teacher and start the journey of yoga from offline practice.

Come on! Welcome to pay attention.

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