The common sense of yoga that is most easily misunderstood by novices should have known earlier and suffered less

Although yoga is very popular now, there are still many misunderstandings about yoga and yoga practitioners.

Here are some common sense yoga people want you to know.


You don’t need to touch your toes.

Yoga is not just flexibility training.

You don’t have to be flexible to practice yoga.


Yoga is not a religion.

Yoga is not a religion.

It’s just an exercise.

Yoga practice does not worship any god, nor does it provide any religious belief.

Yoga is multifaceted.

It can find inner peace for itself.


“Om” chanting is not necessary.

If you think it is not suitable for you, you do not need to chant.

You do not have to focus on chakras (energy centers).

Yoga is all you have.

Therefore, the only thing you have to do is be loyal to yourself.


It is unnecessary to insist on vegetarian yoga as a way of life, although many yogis still choose to follow nonviolent behavior and become vegetarians.

However, this is only a choice.

Everyone is different.

Everyone can explain ideology in his own way.

Of course, becoming a vegetarian or flexible person or anything is definitely not a prerequisite for practicing yoga.


There is not only hot yoga, but also a yoga style called Bikram (or hot yoga), which has attracted many people’s attention.

But this is just one of many yoga styles.

If you like hot yoga, practice it! If you don’t want to, you can skip Bikram.


Yoga is not just stretching.

Yoga has many different schools, styles and forms.

Some are very powerful asanas.

Some are more resilient and slower.

Some are just meditation.

Whether you are stretching, strengthening or reflecting in yoga practice, the scope is wide, not limited to lengthening muscles and fascia.


Yoga is not necessarily full of strength and sweat, so it can be regarded as “real” practice.

Choose a style that resonates with you.

Find an exercise that allows you to focus inward rather than just outward.


You don’t need a “perfect” body.

First of all, there is no “perfect” body.

Secondly, yoga is suitable for everyone.

Your appearance has nothing to do with your practice.

How you view your body is closely related to your practice.


Using assistive devices without any shame is the most powerful tool in yoga practice.

They play an important role in practice, so don’t refuse to use assistive devices.


It’s not necessary to do handstand Yes, handstand is very interesting.

But they are not required.

If you are afraid of handstand, skip it.

Or, better yet, learn to face fear.

Is there no balance yet? Practice patience.

Yoga is a process of practice.

There is no end.


Its benefits Many people improve their health through exercise.

In order to achieve these goals, many people only use yoga as exercise.

It does no harm.

However, if you learn more about yoga, you will soon find yourself changed by the deep benefits of this practice.


This is an internal practice yoga is an internal practice.

“– SriK.

The change in the body on Pattabhi Jois’s mat is actually meaningless.

Real yoga is something that happens internally.


This is a lifetime of yoga practice without end.

Yoga is a habit.

It is like this: always continue, always improve and always “move forward”.


Everything is here.” – Sri K.

Pattabhi Jois14.

All the physical exercises of yoga related to breathing have been recognized by people, but the real practice is the connection between breathing and the body.

This conscious connection is the essence of practice that connects the internal workings of our minds and spirits with our bodies.


Practice is the key If you don’t practice, yoga is meaningless.

If you simply “exercise”, you will lose some benefits.

Also, if you don’t practice yoga.

Then you will lose the essence and significance of practice.

Practice is everything…

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