Today, I would like to share a set of repair yoga sequences for yoga teachers, 9 actions, which can effectively relieve stress and fatigue, repair back pain, soothe the nervous system, and be super comfortable after practice! 1、 The hero stands on the cushion with his knees bent forward, his legs open slightly more than his hips, his hips sit down to his heels, exhale, his body bends forward, his arms extend forward, and if his hips can not reach his heels, the Jiaren can use a pillow to lie on the pillow with his hips bent forward, and keep it on the cushion for 1-2 minutes, Lift the hip and put the yoga block horizontally or vertically under the sacrum.
Put your hands on both sides of your body.
Completely relax your body.
Close your eyes and keep it for 2-3 min, The thigh is perpendicular to the cushion surface.
Put your right hand across your head from the front of your body and place it on the cushion surface for 1-2 minutes.
On the other side, 5.
Sit up and sit forward and bend down on the cushion surface.
Straighten your legs and separate your feet the same width as your hips.
Roll the blanket under your knees and bend your body forward on the cushion surface.
Place the pillow in front of your body for 2-3 minutes, Straighten the arm, place a brick under the right hip, and put the pillow in front of the body for 1-2 minutes.
On the other side, turn the spine and lie on the cushion, bend the left knee and turn the body to the right, put the right hand on the left thigh to assist in stretching, turn the head and look to the left for 1-2 minutes, and on the other side, 8.
Put the two pillow on the back of the body and lie on the cushion in auxiliary fish pose, Keep your hands on both sides of your body for 1-2 minutes.
Back arrow hips lie with your legs against the wall on the cushion surface, with your legs together or apart as wide as your hips.
You can put your hands on both sides of your body, close your eyes, and meditate for 5-10 minutes..