Two seemingly easy to understand yoga postures, have you really achieved the position?

Warrior 1 and 2 postures are frequently practiced in yoga.

They can open the tense hips and shoulders, improve the core strength of the legs, waist and abdomen, and help us stabilize the pelvis, lumbar spine and knee joints.

All warrior postures can improve self-confidence.

In particular, when we look up, we seem to see better ourselves.

Many people often feel weakness of legs and discomfort of waist and knee during the practice of asanas.

In fact, yoga practice is not just a movement to keep a few breaths and find the corresponding perception; The key to practicing yoga is to feel the strength of the relevant muscle groups, and the posture is stable and positive.

Correct and wrong comparison of Soldier 1 and 2: however, sometimes we find that when bending the front knee, the back knee will also bend unconsciously, and the back foot cannot step on the ground, and the legs cannot exert force; At this time, the yoga teacher will guide everyone: “keep your feet as wide apart as possible, with your right foot outstretched 90 degrees, your left foot pointed forward, and your hips squared.”.

But most of the time, if the hips are straightened, the front knee cannot be in the right position, and the back foot cannot step on the ground, and even the waist will collapse, causing pain in the waist.

In fact, the above-mentioned situations are caused by the inadequate alignment of postures.

How can we adjust them? Today, Xiaobian will share with you how to find the right position and stabilize the foundation in yoga warrior 1 and warrior 2.

In the mountain posture, find the positive mountain posture, with both feet shoulder width apart, hold the hips and exhale, fold the body from the hips to inhale, extend the spine to exhale in the standing forward flexion, retract the abdomen, slightly bend the knees, and push the feet to inhale, return to the mountain posture, point the head to the sky, and the ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders are in a straight line.

Repeat 5 times to find the feeling of starting the core.

Soldier 1 common error: the distance between the feet is not correct.


The distance between the feet is too small: the knee joint of the knee bending leg will exceed the ankles The foundation is unstable, resulting in excessive pressure on the knee joint.


The lateral spacing of both feet is too small: in Soldier 1, the hip and chest should point in the same direction as the 2 and 3 toes of the front foot and the patella of the knee joint.

If the lateral distance between both feet is too small, the hip and knee joints are not in position, which will lead to excessive pressure on the lumbar spine, lower back and knee joints.

The correct practice of Soldier 1 is to stand with both feet slightly longer than one leg, with the toes inside, turn the right foot to the right, rotate the hip outside the right thigh, turn the upper body to the right, put the heels of both feet on the extension line of the sciatic bone and press down the right feet 2 and 3.

The toes and the right knee point to the right side, and the left toe tip is inwardly buckled by 45-60 degrees, and the right knee is bent by 90 degrees in the same direction as the knee.

Start the front side of the thigh to close the abdomen, start the gluteal muscles, and stabilize the extension of the pelvic spine, The arm is lifted up and extended, the palm is relatively shoulder wide, the five fingers are extended, the big arm is rotated outward to the back of the ear, the shoulders are relaxed, and 5-8 rounds of breathing are changed to the opposite side.

Soldier 2 common mistakes: the knee joint is not in the correct position 1.

The knee joint of the knee bending leg is buckled in: the thigh of the knee bending leg in soldier 2 should be rotated outward, the patella of the knee joint should be in the same direction as the toes of 2 and 3, and the hip should be opened.

If this step is not done, the knee joint of the knee bending leg will buckle in and the pelvis will not be in position.

It will damage the knee joint and press the lumbar spine and lower back.


The knee joint shall exceed the ankle: the size of the knee bending leg shall not exceed 90 degrees, and the knee joint shall not exceed the ankle.

When the knee joint of the knee bending leg exceeds the ankle, the knee joint pressure will be too large.

The correct practice of soldier 2 is to stand with both feet slightly longer than one leg, with the toes inside, the right foot turning to the right, the right thigh turning outward, the heels on the same line or the right heel to the left foot arch, the toes of the right feet 2 and 3 and the right knee pointing to the right side, the left toe inside buckle 45-60 degrees, and the abdomen in the same direction as the knee.

The right knee is bent steadily and slowly in the bone basin, the knee is not more than the ankle, the right foot is pushed inward, and the front of the thigh is pushed outward, Start the gluteal muscles, retract the thigh bones of both legs back to the hip joint fossa, extend the spine upward, find the sky on the top of the head, lift the arm side flat and extend, relax the shoulders, put the palm down, extend the five fingers and turn the head to the right.

Keep 5-8 rounds of breathing to the opposite side.

When practicing, pay attention to whether the hips, knees, ankles and toes are in the right position.

On the basis of ensuring the knee joint in the right position, then pursue the hip joint in the right position.

If necessary, use yoga AIDS.

Only by learning how to perceive the body and pursue the positive position in asanas can we practice safely and effectively and benefit from asanas.

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