Can I practice yoga with knee pain? This practice makes the knee younger (collection level)

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If you have chronic pain in your knee, if you bend or straighten your knee, it will make a “cluck” sound.

If your knee is over extended, your knee may not be in position.

This misalignment is a common cause of chronic knee pain and can damage the knee joint.

Let’s briefly talk about the anatomy of the knee joint: the knee bone is at the lower end of the leg bone.

It is in a groove and can move freely and smoothly to complete its work.

If it is not in the right position, it will wear out with the cartilage below, and the knee will be unstable.

Cartilage can grow back, but slowly.

The main reason is the imbalance of the muscles around the knee, which will damage the cartilage more quickly and it has no time to repair itself.

If you want to keep your knee healthy, you need to strengthen the internal thigh muscles (the inside of the quadriceps).

There are many postures in yoga that can correct the misalignment of the knee, especially the standing posture.

However, in many postures, if not done well, it will increase the misalignment of the knee.

The good news is that it’s not very difficult to achieve the positive position of asana, as long as you are professional and focused.

Why are knees prone to problems? In natural standing, the hip is wider than the knee, so our extensor structure is vulnerable to injury.

The natural “Y” shape will cause uneven contraction of the quadriceps femoris on the thigh bone, which will cause some problems.

For example, knee hyperextension, the natural imbalance of the body itself will make this situation worse.

Therefore, when we contract the quadriceps to straighten our legs, the unbalanced contraction will lift the knee outward, mainly the outer layer of the quadriceps.

The inner side of the quadriceps femoris is also the main muscle to lift the knee, but it is generally weak and rarely started.

The outer side muscle is strong and used too much.

Therefore, if you want to keep your knee healthy, you need to learn to strengthen the inner thigh muscles.

How to strengthen the inner thigh muscles through yoga postures? Take Warrior II (leg bending) and triangle (straight leg) as examples: 1.

Warrior II in Warrior II, we can find the separation between the inner and outer thighs, and then find the feeling of activating the inner thighs.

Open the legs, buckle the left foot inward, turn the right foot forward, open the hands to both sides, align the wrists and ankles up and down, slowly bend the right knee, so that the knee is directly above the ankle, and align the knee forward with the second or third toe.

Here, the front leg should pay attention to three points: 1) ensure that the knee angle is correct, and the center of gravity is in the middle of the sole of the foot 2) the arch of the foot should not collapse, the ball of the big foot and the heel should be pressed down, and the arch of the foot should be raised 3) the ankle The knee and pelvis sit on the same plane.

Similarly, it is necessary to achieve this positive position in other leg bending standing postures to protect the knee.


The same is true in the triangle pose.

Start the thigh, lift the knee, open the legs, buckle the left foot inward, turn the right foot forward, open the hands to both sides, align the wrists and ankles up and down, fold the body to the right, put the right hand on the brick, and extend the left hand upward.

Look at the front leg above.

Pay attention to two points: 1) the knee cannot be locked or stretched.

If this happens, start the muscles inside the thigh.

2) the arch of the foot cannot collapse, The big ball and heel are pressed down, and the arch is lifted up.

In other leg bending standing postures, this position should be achieved to protect the knee.

If your knees are uncomfortable or not in the right position (inside buckle or outside turn), another skill is to use yoga bricks and walls when doing asanas.

The following collection diagram shows that Yoga asanas can be gorgeous, but in fact it has very obvious physical treatment effect on the body.

Health is the basic purpose of practicing asanas…

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