New Yoga Life

A set of Female Yoga sequences, super comfortable after practice

Today, Xiaobian shared a set of Female Yoga sequences, flexible hips.


From the big worship to the cat ox pose, pay attention to the shoulder vertical wrist, hip aligned with the knee, inhale, head up to extend the spine and exhale upward, and lower the head to include the chest arch back.

Chin micro retraction dynamic cycle practice 10-12 times.


Low lunge from the cat ox pose to the low lunge, walk the right leg forward to the outside of the right hand, and the left leg backward to straighten.

Pay attention to the micro retraction of the core, feel the extension of the spine and breathing, The hip swings up and down to fully feel the stretch of the left hip, keep dynamic up and down swings for 15 times, and then change to the other side 03.

The lizard style maintains a low lunge posture, with the left knee landing, the instep touching the ground and breathing, slowly let the elbow support the ground, and the right foot rotate slightly outward with the right knee by about 45 degrees.

The core is slightly retracted, and the spine is kept extended.

After 8-10 breaths, change to the other side 04.

Stand forward and bend to withdraw from the lizard style, Slowly move your legs forward to the front bend, pay attention not to lock your knee joints, slightly bend your knees to keep the core tight, rotate your pelvis forward, hold your elbows together, and slowly shake your body to both sides to keep 5-8 breaths.


Squat twist: slowly bend your knees from the front bend to squat down, pay attention to your toes, your knee joints slightly push toward the outer core, and the perineum is tightened to help the spine extend and inhale upward, and your right hand is pressed against the outer side of your left calf to exhale, Open your left hand and stay 5-8 breaths on each side of the ceiling.


Half pigeon moves from squatting twist to downward dog pose.

Step your right leg forward from downward dog pose.

The lower leg should be parallel to the hip as far as possible.

Pay attention to the hip alignment.

Help the lumbar spine to be in the right position.

Push your hands to the ground to feel the extension of the spine.

Stay 5 breaths later.

The upper body can stretch forward and stay on the ground for 10 breaths before changing to the other side.


Sit up twist moves from half pigeon pose.

Sit up on the cushion to feel the full sitting of the cushion, Extend the spine, inhale upward, put your left hand on the outside of your right knee, and put your right hand on the back of your hip to exhale, tighten your core, feel the chest twisting to the right, keep 8-10 breaths, and then switch to the other side 08.

The chicken posture exits from sitting and twisting, with your legs bent forward, your back of your hands against your ribs, and the inside of your elbows against the inside of your knees for breathing.

If possible, slowly bring your feet together, keep 5-8 breaths or more.

This yoga sequence can be used as a daily exercise sequence, Practicing yoga is the best care for yourself! Please add ▼ long press the QR code to add ▼ yoga video class ▼ yoga master workshop ▼ ▼ click the bottom left corner to select yoga supplies..

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