New Yoga Life

Five yoga movements focusing on the arms to easily face the pain of the hands, shoulders and back

Most of us work on computer screens every day.

Especially for designers, programmers, new media operators, etc., their tasks are almost all dealing with screens and networks.

With the extension of working hours, the problem of sedentary begins to emerge.

Sitting in front of the computer for a long time has a great chance of suffering from sciatica, neck and other bad posture problems.

For news reports alone, people pay more attention to a series of problems centered on the spine, but it is easy to forget or ignore that sitting for a long time and bad sitting posture will also affect your arms and shoulders.

Working in front of a computer for a long time will cause severe pain in the arms, wrists and fingers.

Although the pain will disappear in the next two or three days, we do not have enough time to relax, so we accumulate a lot of pain every day.

Think about it.

Do you spend a lot of time turning and clicking the mouse every day? The resulting wrist stiffness and mouse hand will make you unable to work.

Fortunately, some yoga arm stretching exercises can play a good role in preventing and treating tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

In addition, these postures can also help us reduce back pain, relieve neck pain and improve posture.

Indeed, the best way to prevent “computer syndrome” may not be to sit and do a few yoga stretches, but to leave the chair for activities from time to time.

Every time you leave your seat to do a few yoga stretches, it provides a good reason for your physical activities.

It can let you walk around on the workday, prevent your body posture from becoming stiff and increase blood circulation.

If you are just beginning to do these actions, you can try to relax.


The eagle pose can stretch your shoulders and upper back, especially for the stability and flexibility of your shoulders.

When our arms are placed on the keyboard and mouse for too long, doing this action can well relieve shoulder pain.

Target muscles: trapezius, infraspinatus, teres major, teres minor.

Inhale and extend your arms to your sides.

Exhale and gather your arms in the middle.

Then imagine giving yourself a hug with your hands crossed.

If your shoulders are very flexible, you can make your hands and arms more interlaced.

If your wrist is flexible enough, you can touch your palms.

Inhale and raise your elbows a little.

Exhale, relax your shoulders and recover.

Swap arm positions.


Reverse prayer makes your forearm rotate.

Many people find it difficult to do this action, because we do not have any actual action in our daily life.

But it can relax your entire forearm and shoulder.

Target muscles: shoulder and forearm muscles place your hands behind your back, between your fingers toward the ground, and bend your elbows.

Then take a deep breath.

As you exhale, rotate your wrist so that it faces upward.

If you need deep stretching and relaxation, try pulling your hands closer and moving your hands along your spine.

If the above movement is too strong, you can improve this training in a relatively easy way: instead of moving up and down along the spine, open and close the palms left and right, as shown above.


Oxface asana can stretch your shoulders, armpits, triceps and chest.

For many people with tight shoulders, it can play an excellent relaxing role.

Target muscles: teres minor, triceps brachii, posterior bundle of deltoid, rhomboid.

Here are three different ways to train you, because for many men, it is really difficult to do a bull interview.

And most of the time, we just want to do a little stretching, not all the actions, so we made different versions.


Simply relax and inhale with one arm.

Extend your right arm to the side of your body with the palm facing down.

Turn the palms so that your thumbs are facing down and back, while the shoulders begin to adjust the turn.

Then bend your elbow and move the back of your hand up your back.


Towel beef noodle use a towel to do a basic beef noodle pose.


There are certain requirements for the shoulders and arms of the full bull face pose.

Generally, people who have practiced yoga should have no difficulty in doing this action.


The action of lateral flexion and relaxation is often seen in life.

It has a good stretching effect on our upper body.

Many people will use this action to open the upper body muscles before weight training and running.

Target muscles: latissimus dorsi, teres major, posterior bundle of deltoid, serratus anterior and trapezius.

The movement is very simple.

Just extend two arms above your head, grasp the wrist of the other hand with one hand, and bend to the left and right sides of your body.

When doing this, slow down the deep breathing movement, let your consciousness melt into your ribs, and achieve comprehensive relaxation.


The finger stretching up and down is very simple, but it can play a good role in relaxing your forearm, wrist and fingers.

I’m tired of typing every day.

Use this action to relax.

Target muscles: extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, brachialis, brachioradialis and flexor carpi.

Keep the arms at the height of the shoulders.

First, put the fingertips upward and gently pull back with one hand for 6-8 times.

Then, with the fingertips down, gently pull back.

Physical pain and sore fingertips should not affect work efficiency, and from the physical level, they will also cause great pressure to you.

Proper relaxation will help you stretch out from the busy daily life and face the work with a more positive attitude..

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