New Yoga Life

It’s a unique way to unlock the monkey style of yoga. Beginners can also practice it!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga God monkey style has been introduced many times in our previous articles, but today Xiaobian has found a more comprehensive and complete sequence of entering God monkey style! This sequence can not only increase the ductility of the posterior thigh ligaments, but also strengthen the ability of hip flexion.

These two abilities are essential in the monkey style exercise.

Try it quickly! Action 01: stand in mountain pose, step forward with the right foot, lower the foam shaft with the right foot, exhale, bend the core body forward and enter the enhanced side extension with both hands pushing the ground, roll the foam shaft with the right foot back and forth, close to the lower leg, and stop for 10-15 breathing actions 02.

Prepare for the starting pose, put the right leg in front, and put both hands on the instep of the left foot with a foam shaft under the instep of the left foot to cooperate with breathing, and move the body back and forth in a small range to repeat 10-15 actions 03 Keep the basic exhalation of the previous action, close the core, push the hips upward and inhale, straighten the left leg backward, repeat the exercise for 10-15 times with the hips downward.


Keep the basic inhalation of the previous action, bend the knees of the left leg, put the heel close to the hips, place the foam axis in the front of the thigh, hold the instep of the left foot backward, move forward and backward, roll the front of the thigh, and stay for 10-15 breathing tips: change from action 01-04 to the other side, practice action 05, hip landing, Put your hands back on the back of your hips, straighten your legs up, put a chair under your legs, exhale, tighten the core, bend your hips alternately on your left and right legs, inhale, restore, repeat for 10-15 times 06.

Exit from the previous action, hold a yoga brick under your hands, exhale, tighten the core, bend your left leg down a little, inhale, restore, repeat for 10-15 times, and then switch sides 07.

Exit from the previous action, press your right foot palm on the chair, bend your right leg, exhale, Tighten the core pelvis to move back and forth in a small range, stop for 10-15 breathing movements 08.

Maintain the basis of the previous movement, straighten the right leg backward, exhale, tighten the core, fold the hip forward, bend and inhale, restore, and stop for 10-15 breathing side changes 09.

Maintain the basis of the previous movement, straighten the right leg, hold the yoga bricks on both sides, exhale, tighten the core body, fold forward, inhale, restore and repeat the exercise for 10-15 times, and exchange the other side actions 10 Keep the basis of the previous movement static for 10-15 breaths, and then change the sides of the above 10 movements.

Keep practicing, and you can get more and more positive in yoga God monkey style! You can’t go until you’ve read everything 👍。.

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