There are three common ways to force your feet in yoga. How many do you know?

Add a circle of friends around the teacher on wechat ~ when the soles of the feet touch the ground, students generally know how to exert their strength: make three points on the soles of the feet, compact the ground, press the big toe ball down and lift the arch of the foot.

It can not only stabilize the foundation, but also activate the strength of the lower leg and the inner thigh.

When the sole of the foot is off the ground, many students don’t know how to exert force.

Let’s take a look at the anatomy of the sole of the foot.

There are three arches on the sole of the foot, which are as follows: 1.

The medial longitudinal arch is on the inner side of the foot and the connecting line from the big toe to the arch of the foot.

This arch doesn’t touch the ground and plays an important role when the body is bearing weight.


The lateral longitudinal arch is on the outside of the foot, from the small toe to the outside of the heel.

This arch can touch the ground and give the body a push.


Transverse arch this arch is the connecting line between the inside and outside of the forefoot, a point below the foot ball.

When you practice yoga, do you wonder how your feet should work? The foot is the foundation.

The right foot force can stabilize the body, create a solid foundation and make your practice more stable.

So, how should the foot force? Type 1: toe stretching + ankle stretching, toe stretching.

When ankle stretching, the front side of the leg is lengthened and the rear side of the leg is shortened.

Start the rear side of the lower leg and the rear side of the thigh (hamstring muscle).

Type 2: toe hooking + ankle hooking, toe hooking.

When ankle hooking, the rear side of the leg is lengthened and the front side of the leg is shortened.

Stretch the rear side of the lower leg and the hamstring quadriceps to start and stabilize the knee.

Type 3: toe hooking, ankle hooking, toe hooking.

When ankle stretching, start the front and rear foundations of the leg more stable, It is recommended to use this method to help balance the body, which combines the advantages of the previous two.

In the standing posture, open and lift each toe to make more space between each toe.

After starting the foot in the above way, send the strength of the foot to the whole leg to stabilize and extend the whole torso.

When you activate your feet, apply this awareness to handstands and arm support poses, and the energy will be more stable.

Let’s try it now.

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