New Yoga Life

Yoga weight loss posture difficult? 10 initial postures let you get started quickly!

In fact, yoga can be very simple.

When you get up in the morning, you can stretch your arms and legs, practice some basic postures, consciously control your breathing and mind, and you are already practicing yoga.

The famous Indian Yoga Classic “the light of hada yoga” once mentioned that the practice of posture can make the limbs balanced, healthy and soft.

Today, I’ll introduce you to 10 beginner yoga poses, so that you can get started quickly.

01 | mountain style ▼ stand with your legs together, touch your heels and big toes, stretch your knees together, tighten your inner thighs, tighten your abdomen, and straighten your chest, so that the whole spine feels stretched upward.

Keep the head and neck straight, sink the shoulders, stretch the arms downward, put both hands naturally on both sides of the body, and keep the palm inward for more than 5 breaths.

02 | simple tree pose ▼ stand with your legs together and enter the mountain pose.

As you inhale, extend your arms above your head, close your fingers, look at your hands and keep breathing for more than 5 times.

03 | standing, flexing and stretching ▼ standing in mountain style, with both legs together and straight, fold the upper body forward from the hip, press both hands on the ground next to the feet or hold on the back of the lower leg, and lift the hips to feel the stretching of the back and maintain at least 5 breaths.

04 | squat ▼ open the squat position with eight characters outside the feet, slightly wider than the hips, knees outward, hands folded in front of the chest, elbows supported on the inner sides of the knees, back straight, close your eyes and maintain stable breathing.

05 | lunge ▼ take a big step forward with the left foot.

The left knee is bent no more than the tip of the left foot.

The right foot is pointed to the ground.

The right knee is slightly bent and the back is straight.

Fold it forward slightly from the hip to make the back and legs in a straight line.

Press both hands on both sides of the front foot, keep breathing for 5 hours, and then change the other leg to continue.

06 | flat support ▼ lie on your stomach with your arms under your body and keep your body straight.

Don’t let your hips sink or bulge.

Just keep it for 10 seconds when you first try this pose, and then keep it for 30 seconds-1 minute.

07 | sitting posture right angle ▼ sitting posture, with legs together and straight, toes hooked back, torso straight, eyes looking forward, hands on both sides of hips, body at 90 degrees, and maintain 5 stable breaths.

08 | double leg back extension ▼ starting from the sitting position, close the legs together, straighten forward, hook the toes inward, bend the upper body forward, grasp the foot arch with both hands, stick the face to the legs, feel the extension of the spine and the stretching of the hamstrings, and maintain 5 stable breaths.

09 | one leg back extension ▼ keep your legs together to maintain the sitting position, bend your right knee backward and make the back of your right foot touch the ground, straighten your left leg forward, bend your upper body forward, grasp the palm of your left foot with both hands, stretch forward, lean forward as much as possible according to your body flexibility, and repeat with the other leg after holding a few deep breaths in this position.

10 | happy baby ▼ lie on your back, bend your knees to your chest, hold the outside of your feet with both hands respectively, use the power of your arms to pull down, and gently rock from one side to the other to provide a relaxed massage for your spine.

Yoga is not profound, as long as you can practice it in your life.

Have you learned the 10 most suitable yoga poses for Yoga Xiaobai? Yoga practice is a step-by-step process, from simple to difficult, in order to gradually achieve excellence, friends, come on!..

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