Yoga says | don’t ignore the early hardening of the body. Often do these six yoga postures to dredge the meridians and reduce age!

Generally speaking, as you grow older, your body will harden, such as narrowing the range of motion of joints, reducing the amount of muscles, and failing to stretch tendons and ligaments.

Many young people ignore that their bodies harden prematurely.

How to judge whether your body is stiff? Today, practical yoga teaching teaches you a way to test the forward flexion of the sitting body: sit on the floor with your legs straight, your toes vertical to the floor, and try to touch your toes with your hands.

Generally speaking, if your hand can exceed the distance of 1 palm of your toes (1520 cm), it means that your body is soft enough; If you can only barely touch your toes, or the distance beyond your toes is less than 6.7 cm for women and less than 0.5 cm for men, according to the data of the 2010 National Physical Fitness Monitoring Bulletin, your body softness is only equivalent to that of an elderly person aged 6569.

What’s more terrible is that some people’s toes are too far away to touch at all.

Don’t underestimate this question.

The answer to this question has a lot to do with your health.

Judging whether a person’s body is soft enough, time not only steals our age, but also steals the softness of the body.

Softness and hardness are important signs of human youth and aging, health and unhealthy.

Realize that your body is hardening.

When you wake up every morning, you will feel that your whole body is hard, difficult to stretch, and even lazy to get up.

Soft and hard determine a person’s physical age.

Some people are in their 70s, but their whole body seems to be elastic, and their movements can maintain gentle continuity.

When walking, they swing their arms and stride widely, which makes them look heroic.

Many young people in their 20s lack continuity when walking, and their limbs are very stiff.

They often stoop and can’t even keep the upright position for a long time.

Six hazards of rigidity the main reason for modern people’s rigidity is lack of exercise.

Exercise is not only physical exercise in the general sense, but also various muscle and joint activities.

Modern people go out with cars instead of walking, and go home with washing machines and vacuum cleaners.

It is difficult for the body to get full activity.

If muscles are not used frequently, their working range will continue to shrink and become hardened, rigid and aging.

Stiffness will at least bring the following hazards to the body: 1 Easy to be injured.

When the thigh muscle hardens, first, it will increase the load of the knee joint, which is easy to cause knee pain and movement disorder; The second is to make the related psoas major muscle and femoral joint movement difficult, so that people can’t walk and are easy to fall.

Gobo said that at the moment of falling, if the body is flexible, it will respond quickly and will not cause too much damage.

But people with stiff bodies can cause more serious injuries and even fractures.


Physical pain many young people often have low back pain, shoulder and neck pain, which is closely related to the stiffness of the body.

Hardening of the body can lead to slow blood circulation and cold body.

Touching those painful parts is usually cold and hard.


Fear of cold.

About 40% of the heat of the human body is produced by muscles.

When muscles decline, harden and blood circulation worsens, the amount of heat generated will be reduced, resulting in hypothermia.


Frequent fatigue.

When the muscle hardens, the capillaries distributed in it will also harden, resulting in the failure of normal blood flow.

An important role of blood circulation is to transport nutrients and oxygen and recover waste materials that lead to fatigue and fatigue in the body.

If the blood circulation function becomes worse, the body is easy to feel tired.


Weight gain the energy and fat consumed by the human body need to be burned through muscle exercise.

Once the muscle is stiff and unable to move fully, it will lead to the decline of metabolic function and the accumulation of fat.


Rough skin.

When muscles or blood vessels harden, it will also affect the blood circulation of the skin, resulting in dryness, spots, dullness, wrinkles, relaxation and other problems on the face.

Strong arms make you look older, okay? Today’s recommended exercise arm yoga pose is a little difficult.

After doing it, the arm is very sore and swollen.

The effect of dredging the arm meridians is great.

I’m ready to bid farewell to the meat.


The high lunge twist starts from standing and takes a big step back with the right leg.

The right leg is straight, the heel is raised, the left leg is bent, and the knee is against the ankle.

Open your hands to both sides, twist to the left and look at the left.

Hold for 1 minute and repeat on the other side.

Do three groups.


The half moon pose starts with standing and bending forward, and the chest is extended between the two times.

Focus on the right leg, extend the left leg upward, open the hip upward, and keep the upper and lower arms as straight as possible.

Hold for 1 minute and repeat on the other side.


One handed side plank starts from side plank, bending the right leg and grasping the right toe with the right hand.

Slowly straighten your right leg up and look up and down.

Keep your shoulders and arms in line and your body in line.

Keep breathing for 10 times, repeat on the other side, and do 3 groups.


One leg elbow support starts with the elbow support, and then bend the knee of the right leg to find the back of the right arm.

Hold five breaths and repeat on the other side.

Do 10 groups.


Lie down with your legs twisted and your hands straight.

Inhale, raise the right leg, raise the upper body, twist to the right, and lift the left leg slightly off the ground.

Exhale down and change sides.

Repeat 10 groups.


The balance variant sits down, crossing his legs and holding his hands on both sides.

Inhale, raise your hips and keep breathing for 5 times.

Exhale to the ground and repeat for 10 groups.

The arms are slim, which not only dredges the meridians, but also reduces the age!..

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