New Yoga Life

Yoga, hip pain? You should try this painless hip opening sequence!

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When it comes to hip opening in yoga practice, many people have the impression that some hip opening postures in Yin Yoga not only stay for a long time, but also are particularly uncomfortable to practice! In fact, hip opening is not necessarily the yin yoga postures.

Many yoga postures have the effect of hip opening.

Today, you might as well try this yoga sequence.

Oh, practice and practice, and the hip will open…


Sit and bend forward in a simple sitting position, as shown in Figure 2.

Inhale, the sciatic bone is downward, the spine extends and exhales, the body bends forward, the sciatic bone is not off the ground, and the core is slightly retracted.

Stay for 3 minutes 02 Low lunge into low lunge inhale, right leg step forward exhale, left hip sink, core tighten, extend spine and stay for 10 breaths.

For the other side, beginners can do the following version 03.

Lizard into lizard, left leg step forward, yoga brick under elbow, elbow support on Yoga brick, core tighten, spine extend and stay for 10 breaths and then change sides 04 Lizard twist enters lizard twist inhalation, exhale with your right hand on the Yoga brick, hold your left hand back on your right shoulder and back for 10 breaths and then change sides 05, crescent enters crescent, step forward with your right leg, inhale with your left knee on the ground, extend your spine and exhale, sink your left hip for 10 breaths and then change sides 06, rosette enters rosette toe, knees slightly outward, and inhale with your hands folded in front of your chest, Extend the spine and exhale, tighten the perineum and stay at the core for 10 breaths.

Beginners can practice this version.

Put a yoga pad under the sitting bone to support 07.

Enter the beam angle type.

The palms of both feet inhale relative to each other, and the sitting bone is downward.

Extend the spine and exhale, and feel the stretching of the inner thigh for 1 minute.

Beginners can pad the sitting bone with a towel to relieve the tension of the hip joint 08.

Supine beam angle supine, Put the palms of the feet into the supine angle pose and relax the shoulders.

Stay for 2 minutes.

The Jiaren with tense hips can cushion the Yoga brick on the outside of the knees to relieve the tension of the hip joint.


The happy baby pose enters the happy baby pose supine position, bend the knees, grasp the palms of the feet with both hands, and relax the shoulders, Stay on the back for 2 minutes, or straighten your left leg and grasp the soles of your right foot with both hands to practice half of the happy baby style.

Beginners can use the extension belt to bend your left leg and extend the belt to cover the soles of your right foot for 1 minute on each side.


Enter the needle eye type into the needle eye supine, bend your knees off the ground, put the back of your right foot on your left thigh, hold your hands on the back of your left thigh, inhale and prepare, exhale, and rotate your right hip outward for 10 breaths, On the other side, beginners can also cover the extension belt on the front of the lower leg with the help of the extension belt.


Sit and stand in the needle eye sitting position, put both hands on the back of the hip to inhale, extend the spine, straighten the waist and back, press the instep of the left foot on the right thigh to exhale, rotate the left hip outward for 10 breaths, change the other side or choose the back to stick to the wall to practice.


Sit and stand in the torsion sitting position, and inhale straight and forward with both legs, Bend the right leg to the outside of the left thigh, fully extend the spine and exhale upward, twist the upper body to the right and stay for 10 breaths.

On the other side, bend the left leg to the outside of the right leg, bend the right leg to the outside of the left hip and inhale, extend the spine to exhale, twist to the left and stay for 10 breaths.

On the other side, often practice this sequence, which is also good for women’s pelvic health, To collect Oh! The contents of the official account indicate that the copyright is owned by all the original sources (which can not verify the copyright or do not indicate the source)..

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