New Yoga Life

Yoga gym is so expensive, why suggest you go to yoga gym to practice yoga?

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A video or a book can never replace a teacher, because teachers can communicate and have feedback.

It is difficult for a book and video to have feedback.

When we follow the teacher in practice, we often hear a sentence: don’t force yourself to reach your limits.

This is to avoid injury due to excessive range of motion, and also to emphasize the step-by-step nature of yoga practice.

Yoga is not a competitive sport.

It does not require comparison with others.

The key is to achieve your current best level.

With the feeling of the body, gradually improve yourself.

If we practice at home by ourselves, we never know whether our actions are correct or wrong.

We will only practice according to our own ideas.

If we keep doing wrong postures, we are likely to get hurt, which leads to many people’s misunderstanding of yoga and injuries when practicing yoga, That’s because we didn’t do the right posture and breathe.

Yoga is not aerobics, equipment sports, not to consume energy to lose weight; But when you fully master your breathing, move in place and keep comfortable, make the gland function normal, regulate metabolism and stimulate the nerve center to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Postural movement is a link.

First make comprehensive adjustment, such as correcting the spine and controlling breathing, and then carry out targeted exercises.

We should not rush for success and pursue one step in place.

Therefore, if you practice for 2 ~ 3 months, as long as there is no change in diet, there will be no significant change in weight, but you will feel the change in body shape, the muscles will become strong and strong, and the skin will become firm and smooth.

If you cooperate with a reasonable diet, the weight loss effect will be obvious day by day.

If we practice at home, we will never know this.

Some gyms may offer yoga classes every day.

In fact, it just says that there is a need for a yoga coach, but this yoga coach is not necessarily someone who knows Yoga very well.

Therefore, he may not know much about some things in the process of teaching, such as how to adjust breathing, how to form consciousness, where to stay, and how to guide students when he is not too clear.

This is also a very worrying problem.

Why do we go to a regular yoga studio? Because yoga practice step by step is the basis for Yoga success, and we must master the correct methods.

Yoga is a perfect scientific system.

Although not everyone can make all yoga poses perfectly, they can undoubtedly master the essentials of yoga practice without difficulty.

They should be cautious in every step of yoga practice.

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