[Yancheng Station – dance rhyme Yoga] original arrangement of soul from May 21 to 26, 22 – training of dance rhyme yoga instructor of Youku

Too many people misunderstand dance rhyme yoga, think it’s just a gimmick to attract attention, think it’s just a form for performance, think it’s a series of actions, and even think this course is dispensable.

Actually, it’s not Dance rhyme yoga is neither physical display nor yoga exercises.

It is a female rhyme beauty that infuses the soul of dance rhyme through yoga postures and techniques, combined with soft and flowing dance movements and music, and reveals the emotion from inside to outside.

Does your body have lasting appeal? Is it aesthetic to raise your hand and throw your foot? Did you count the holidays carefully? Have you ever thought about the implication of this song? Have you ever thought about whether your postures are in harmony with the music? Have you ever wondered if the movement and breathing match? If you haven’t thought about the above questions, just jump with the video on the Internet and teach.

It’s just fur.

No matter how beautiful it is, it’s just a show.

No matter how much it is, it’s not fine.

The beauty of dance rhyme every girl has a dance dream in her heart.

Every yoga teacher can quickly realize this dance dream.

Dance rhyme Yoga Dance rhyme yoga.

Follow teacher Longpan to learn that you can achieve more beauty! Representative works: teacher DanceYoga Longpan, the representative work of Longpan dance rhyme of representativeworks, creates a dance rhyme system with unique understanding of music and interpretation of emotion, which endows all dances with life.

It is the wholehearted investment, the sublimation of the intersection of music and emotion, the arrangement with love and the interpretation with heart, so as to make the emotion flow, let the music pass through every inch of skin and every cell, and then approach the soul, feel and move Introduction of tutor Longpan tutor expert researcher of China International Yoga Association director of dance rhyme Yoga research center of China International Yoga Association standard setter of dance rhyme qualification certification of China International Yoga Association domestic first-line senior dance rhyme yoga training tutor original dance rhyme Yoga respected by Renshui mulianqing Yoga college chief dance rhyme Yoga trainer of shuimulianqing Yoga College Chinese Dance trainer Youku Video highest click dance rhyme goddess original dance rhyme Yoga finished repertoire reaches 100 dance rhyme yoga “God shape rhyme” curriculum system founder Longpan series dance rhyme clothing original designer practises dance at the age of 5, teaching and research for more than 10 years, rich teaching theory knowledge is the support, all dance rhyme yoga are self-made and self-directed original dance, and all teaching are self-developed The original system advocates “non original, no teaching” selfless sharing, love research, like self creation, gentle and elegant, love students, love dance rhyme, the “goddess teacher” and “Fairy” in the words of students “Introduction to the beauty course coming out of the picture Course Introduction Course Introduction dance rhyme yoga instructor training class level 1 + level 2 system training 6 days and 30 hours training level 1 training outline * dance rhyme breath regulation and dance rhyme warm-up practice * the application of ballet and classical dance in dance rhyme Yoga * course arrangement and teaching methods * how to teach finished dance rhyme through rhythm * teach 8-10 dance rhyme finished products: beginning, end and end Intermediate original classical style; Early and intermediate modern style, and take a complete video* 10 theme combinations: Dance rhyme yoga breath adjustment combination, warm-up combination, hand position combination, squatting and standing combination, wiping combination, coordination combination, standing toe combination, body rhyme combination, arm line combination, etc.

The first level training effect can include “member class”, “annual meeting and performance program”, “private teaching of primary dance rhyme yoga” and so on.

The first day of the first level training is arranged * class opening ceremony, self introduction, learning course introduction and mutual exchange * what is dance rhyme yoga and the difference between dance rhyme yoga and Yoga * the application of Chinese classical dance in dance rhyme Yoga * learning dance rhyme breath regulation and dance rhyme breathing method, Teach an original dance rhyme yoga breath adjustment combination * explain and analyze the choreography skills of dance rhyme breath adjustment * explain the class scheduling skills of dance rhyme Yoga membership class.

The next day * the warm-up method of dance rhyme yoga and share the self-created warm-up combination * the application of ballet elements in dance rhyme Yoga * learn ballet hand position and standing posture, and teach an original hand position combination * learn ballet squat and standing, Teach an original squatting and standing combination * learn the essentials of ballet scrubbing, and teach an original scrubbing combination * learn how to count the beat and exercise the sense of rhythm.

And interact with the students to count the time * teach a primary original classical wind dance rhyme Yoga product * teach a primary and intermediate original classical wind dance rhyme Yoga product on the third day * teach a primary original Ballerina style dance rhyme product * teach a primary original modern style dance rhyme Yoga product * teach an original dance rhyme Yoga product for poetry accompaniment * review the first five dance rhyme yoga in groups, And emphasize the importance of details * how to teach the finished products of dance rhyme yoga, how to make the students of the member class improve their interest in dance rhyme yoga courses, level II training outline * all-round self-improvement * in-depth understanding of common rhythm types, how to choose appropriate music through rhythm * arrangement methods and skills of finished products of dance rhyme Yoga * comprehensive improvement of ballet and classical dance elements, Play with all kinds of impromptu combinations * teach 8-10 dance rhyme finished products: initial and intermediate original classical style; Early and intermediate modern style, and take a complete video* 10 theme combinations: Dance rhyme yoga breath adjustment combination, warm-up combination, hand position combination, squatting and standing combination, wiping the ground combination, coordination combination, standing toe combination, body rhyme combination, arm line combination, etc.

The second level training effect can include “excellent class”, “small class”, “promotion class”, “intermediate dance rhyme Yoga private education” and so on.

The fourth day of the second level training is arranged to * learn the control of ballet, teach an original leg control combination * learn to exercise the muscle strength of ankle and footwall, and teach a variety of original toe combinations * learn to exercise to improve temperament and coordination, Teach a variety of variation methods of swing steps in the form of combination..

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