New Yoga Life

Why are these places often injured when practicing yoga?

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If you practice yoga incorrectly, you are prone to injury, especially in these three parts: shoulder, back of thigh and lower back.

The responsibility of yoga teachers is to ensure that you are safe and that the course meets the needs of students at different levels, but as a student, you should also be responsible for yourself.

We all know that Yoga brings us peace, relaxation and relieves physical and mental stress, but improper practice can also hurt us.

When practicing, listen to what your body needs and don’t go beyond your body to do postures.

Especially the shoulder, wrist, back of thigh, lower back, knee and sacroiliac joint are easy to be injured.

Shoulder problem: if your shoulders are rotated forward, you can’t straighten them when you lift your hands over your head.

Your chest muscles are tight and your upper back strength is weak.

Doing a lot of four pillar support and arm balance will stimulate the tendons of the shoulder.

Solution: in order to strengthen the upper back muscles, mainly rhomboid muscles.

Lie down with your arms on your sides.

Raise your upper body and arms, straighten your arms, and look for the direction of your feet with your shoulders.

To open the pectoral muscles: lie on a rolled up yoga mat, perpendicular to the spine, on the lower ribs, with the arms on both sides of the body.

Raise your arms above your head and reach your limits.


Problems on the back of the thigh: if you force yourself to bend forward too much, you will hurt the back of the thigh.

You will also be injured if you do a split when you are not ready.

Yoga teachers often tell students to let the leg muscles hug the leg bones, which means to activate the quadriceps femoris (the front of the kick) to avoid injury to the back of the thigh.

Solution: if you strain the muscles behind your thighs, stop doing forward bends and bend your knees.

To give the back of the thigh a rest, it is recommended to apply ice several times a day to relieve it.

3 lower back problems: any deep twisting or straight leg flexion will put too much pressure on the sacroiliac joint and even strain the fibrous ring protecting the lower back.

Asymmetrical postures, such as twisting triangles, can cause lower back pain.

Solution: before doing the forward flexion: first extend the spine, extend the side waist, increase the space between each spine, or bend the knee to do it, and gently stretch the lower back.

Twist Asana: activate the core to twist and relax the pelvis.

If you feel pain, don’t stop.

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