What abilities do professional yoga teachers or yoga health managers need

The leader of Chinese yoga physical and mental health management system, let’s continue on the fourth day of the new year 🐯 Moderator: Mr.

Wang Yan, what abilities do you think a professional yoga teacher or yoga health manager needs to have? Wang Yan: I think to answer this question, we must first understand another question, that is, who is the group that yoga teachers or yoga health managers serve.

Personal experience is that we mainly have the following three categories: (1) we want to be more confident in body Healthy people who are more confident and confident in their lives (including individuals, families, enterprises) (2) obesity, hypertension, diabetes, depression, anxiety and other chronic diseases, and those who need assisted recovery stage (3) want to join a healthy, beautiful, warm and pleasant organization.

The above three categories of people who enrich life and life should be called pan people.

The core positioning people have to carry out user Portrait Design on the basis of Pan people to find out the real and relatively accurate users.

Wang Yan: Well, now that we know who the people we serve are, we can understand what abilities we need.

First of all, whether yoga teachers, As a yoga health manager, you should understand the basic knowledge system of yoga, including philosophy, asanas, physiological anatomy, educational administration teaching, etc.

This is general knowledge, so I won’t repeat it here; In my opinion, an excellent yoga teacher or yoga health manager is based on the mission of taking customer needs as the center and taking responsibility for customer needs.

Whether it is healthy people, sub-health or chronic patients, the needs of customers are diverse, but they are all for better and healthier.

They are inseparable from how to eat well, how to sleep well How to exercise well (here “good” means safe, effective, interesting and sustainable), so we need to master the following knowledge points, not as profound as experts in various fields, However, we can scientifically apply these knowledge and common sense to better serve our customers (01) the development trend of yoga and yoga health management (02) the practical application of yoga philosophy in teaching and health management (03) the practical application of sleep in yoga teaching and health management (04) the practical application of comprehensive nutrition in yoga teaching and health management (05) Practical application of psychology in yoga teaching and health management (06) practical application of basic medicine in yoga teaching and health management (07) practical application of TCM regimen in yoga teaching and health management (08) application of evaluation and testing in yoga teaching and health management (09) application of etiquette and aesthetics in yoga teaching and health management (10) Application of standard service mode and process of five points and one line in yoga health management (11) self marketing management of yoga teachers or health managers.

Leaders of Chinese yoga physical and mental health management system thank you for your attention.

Welcome to hengxiu Yoga school to study “Yoga health management mode” Next, we will continue to launch commonweal sharing and continue to think and explore together.

This is an interesting and valuable process, Namaste 🙏 [recommended reading] ① why did hengxiu Yoga Academy | 2022 start to advocate the mode of “yoga physical and mental health management”? ② the difference between the “yoga physical and mental health management” advocated by hengxiu Yoga Academy | 2022 and the current mainstream mode.

Suggestions on the study that can be arranged at the end of the new year in 2022: 1.

If you are a yoga studio owner, you can choose the course from February 17 to 19: “three-day practical training camp for new year courtesy” 2 If you are a yoga teacher, you can choose: “Yoga health manager certification” or pay attention to the following “annual schedule” of hengxiu Yoga school.

For registration or consultation courses, you can contact the following staff.

Mu Shan loves haievian.

It began in 2007.

It was the initiator of China in Yoga Festival, the founder of China Yoga health management system, hengxiu Yoga school, Huangpu Military Academy, a professional yogi, started in 2007.

It is providing yoga courses and course management services for 3500 + institutions and 10000 + teachers in the yoga industry.

It is subordinate to (mantola Yoga Health Service Co., Ltd.) and integrates modern science, medicine, physiology, psychology, philosophy, nutrition, sleep Aesthetics, etc., combined with Chinese traditional culture and ideas, create classic certification courses with both depth and breadth, such as yoga general application system, EA Yoga functional training system, EA Yoga project management system and EA Yoga health management series, so as to provide the society and industry with three levels of talents, course products and operation management of Yoga institutions, The integrated output system service here is a yoga holy land with rigorous academic atmosphere and reveals the romantic beauty of poetry.

It is a paradise for Yoga lovers.

There are mountains and Cangshan covered with snow; There is a sea here, which is the Erhai Lake with golden waves blown by the breeze; Here is the ancient city of Dali, which has been wandering for too long and finally got peace of mind..

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