New Yoga Life

This yoga sequence is unusual. Open the heart chakra and dredge the breast!

Many people have this feeling: after yoga class, the whole person feels good! Why? Do you know the principle of Yoga? Is to open up the close relationship between body and mind.

Body shape will affect the state of mind.

In turn, the state of mind will directly affect the physical condition.

For example, when you are sad or afraid, your body will shrink into a ball and enter a state of self-protection; When you are happy or confident, your body will stretch and open.

When the state of mind (mood) is bad, it is difficult to change it immediately.

We can start from the body, practice Yoga asanas, open the body, and naturally feel the whole person is good after practicing! Therefore, for most modern people, what we need to practice most is not the difficult handstand and torsion! But open the chest! Open the heart chakra! Relieve the depression caused by the stooping caused by sedentary and fast-paced life.

A yoga sequence introduced today is specially designed for this purpose.

It can not only open the heart chakra, but also dredge the breast! Summar1.

Stand in the forward mountain bending posture, with both feet open at the same width as the hip and folded from the hip.

You can bend your knees slightly and hold your elbows with both hands for 1 minute.


Downward dog pose to inclined plate.

Start from downward dog pose, bend your knees, lift your heels up, inhale in your abdomen, focus forward to the inclined plate, exhale back to downward dog pose, and repeat summar3 Cat cow stretching this is the version with the fingertips of both hands backward.

Kneel down with the same width as the hip, align the wrists with the shoulders, inhale and extend the chest, exhale and bow the back, repeat summar4 and cat tail swing for five times, connect a pose, extend and lengthen the back, retract the abdomen, and then turn the hips clockwise for five times, repeat summar5 and crescent variant left knee kneeling in the opposite direction, The left lower leg and instep are close to the ground, the right foot is on the ground, the right lower leg is vertical to the ground, the knee does not exceed the toe, the hands extend upward, hold each other’s elbows for 1 minute, exchange legs, repeat the practice of ummer6 and pyramid, straighten the legs, keep the right foot in front, take a big step from front to back, buckle the left foot, straighten the hip, fold forward, and put both hands on the brick for 1 minute, Exchange legs and repeat the exercise summar7.

Variant of downward dog pose: start from downward dog pose, bend the left knee, lift the left foot, grab the heel from the inside of the foot, turn your head to look at the right side and keep breathing for 10 times, repeat the exercise summar8 on the other side, bend the right leg forward and inward, straighten the left leg behind, keep the front side of the left leg and the instep close to the ground, straighten the hip, fold down, chest Put your forehead on the brick and support the ground with your hands and small arms for 1 minute.

Repeat sumer9 and side angle variant on the other side.

Bend your right leg 90 °, straighten your left leg backward and buckle in.

Support the ground with your right hand on the inner side of your right foot, with the tip of your fingers facing back (to help open your shoulders).

Extend your left hand upward and keep breathing for 10 times.

Repeat sumer10 and yoga squat on the other side.

Open your feet slightly wider than your shoulder, Squat with your back straight down, fold your hands in front of your chest, extend your spine and keep it for 1 minute.


Twist and sit with your shoelace, bend your right knee, knee forward, bend your left knee on the outside of your right hip, overlap on your right knee, put your left foot on the outside of your right hip, grasp the palm of your left foot with your left hand, twist to the right, and extend your right hand upward for 1 minute, Repeat sumer12 and fish supine supported by bricks on the other side, with both legs straight and close together, put yoga bricks on the shoulder blades and back of the head, open both hands and keep the palm upward for 5 minutes, and stay in the final rest posture for 10 minutes, preferably covered with a blanket.

The harder you work, the more you will find that this is actually a step-by-step unlocking process of freedom.

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