New Yoga Life

The woman finished yoga and went to ICU! The doctor reminded: this kind of people must not be careless

The houses in these communities are going to appreciate.

Is there your home? Slide up and read “doing yoga this time is like walking back to the gate of hell.” Recently, Ms.

Li, 48, suffered from persistent swelling and pain in her left waist, back and left abdomen after doing yoga flat exercise at home.

She went to the hospital for treatment after ineffective medication.

After examination, it was found that it was renal hemorrhage.

After one week of operation and ICU treatment, Ms.

Li’s condition was controlled.

Yoga can lead to bleeding in the left kidney.

It is understood that Ms.

Li went to the local hospital the next day after her condition appeared.

After CT examination, Ms.

Li found bleeding in the left kidney, which is considered to be rupture and bleeding of left renal hamartoma.

One day after treatment, the patient’s condition was not relieved, the bleeding increased and the hemoglobin decreased sharply.

Then, he was transferred to the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University (hereinafter referred to as “the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University”) for treatment.

▲ Ms.

Li’s CT examination image Xue KANGYI, the attending physician of Urology Department of the Third Hospital of Southern medicine, immediately arranged an emergency examination for Ms.


It was found that the hemoglobin and platelet contents of Ms.

Li were lower than the normal value.

The CT of the whole abdomen was improved.

It was found that there was a mass behind the left kidney, a large amount of effusion (blood) in the pelvic cavity and effusion in both pleural cavities.

At one time, there was pulmonary edema, chest tightness, fever and dyspnea, The situation is not optimistic.

The operation was performed after the emergency meeting of vascular surgery.

Considering that Ms.

Li’s vital signs were unstable, she was transferred to ICU for treatment.

After the treatment of ventilator assisted breathing, closed thoracic drainage, correction of anemia and anti infection in ICU, one week later, Ms.

Li’s pulmonary edema and hematoma infection gradually improved, her condition was controlled, her vital signs gradually stabilized, and returned to the general ward for further treatment.

Liu Cundong, director of Urology Department of the Third Hospital of Southern medicine, introduced that clinically, the main diseases of renal rupture and bleeding such as Ms.

Li are benign renal tumors, most of which are caused by the rupture of renal hamartoma (renal angiomyolipoma) and renal cyst, and there are no symptoms before the onset.

Once the rupture is urgent and very dangerous.

Kidney physical examination can not be ignored.

“People with renal hamartoma or renal cyst in the body should try to avoid some exercises to enhance abdominal pressure.” Liu Cundong suggested.


Li didn’t know she had a renal hamartoma before the onset.

When the hamartoma grows up, it may rupture spontaneously, or it may rupture due to external impact or extrusion.

It is reported that some patients often treated in urology clinic do not know that there is hamartoma or renal cyst in the kidney because they never do physical examination for the kidney.

When the tumor grows up and becomes a time bomb in their body, there will be a risk of rupture and even life-threatening at any time.

Liu Cundong stressed: “during the annual physical examination, the B-ultrasound of kidney must not be missed!” If some people find that they have renal tumors in physical examination, don’t ignore them if they don’t have symptoms.

Pay attention to the size and growth rate of the tumor.

Renal tumors less than 4cm can be left untreated temporarily and reviewed regularly.

If they are more than 4cm, there is a greater possibility of spontaneous bleeding, so surgical intervention is needed.

At present, embolization or nephrectomy is the main way to treat this kind of disease.

Source: Wenzhou Metropolis Daily infringement contact delete ↓ click “watching” to tell more Yongjia people ↓↓..

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