New Yoga Life

The charm of Yoga handstand: from another angle, you will find a different world

There are many yoga postures, but there are always some yoga postures that people like.

Inverted posture is one of them, but inverted posture also has many classifications, such as elbow handstand, hand handstand, or head handstand.

What kind of magic does yoga inverted have that will fascinate so many people? In fact, there is no complete answer, But these handstand exercises have good results.

Yoga upside down can effectively strengthen the body and calm the mind.

If you can practice regularly, it can also improve digestion, improve circulation, alleviate the symptoms of menopause, and assist in the treatment of hair loss, insomnia and so on.

Yoga head standing upside down is relatively simple.

It is also the posture that most yoga practitioners will choose to practice.

Beginners can first get close to the wall and take the wall as a guarantee, so as not to have great psychological pressure.

They can land on their knees, cross 10 fingers, lean on the ground with two elbows, land on their heads, and gradually leave the ground with their knees to feel the fulcrum of balance, Make the hips like inverted v.

Throughout the process, the elbows should be placed on the ground to protect the neck from compression.

Use the strength of the lower back to gradually lift the legs off the ground.

The skilled person can also put the palms of his feet together, such as frog legs, for 15 ~ 60 seconds.

In the practice of Yoga elbow handstand, if you are not particularly skilled, you can also put a yoga brick directly between your hands, which can effectively avoid the weight pressed down by your upper body during the practice, and also enable the practitioner to quickly find a stable point, support your elbows directly on the yoga mat, enter dolphin style, gradually raise one leg and keep breathing for 5 times, Then change the side to practice, kick up and jump, keep the lumbar spine straight, and complete the elbow inverted position for 15 ~ 60 seconds.

Yoga handstand, which is also a difficult posture, requires not only physical strength, but also a good sense of balance.

In addition to these difficult postures, there is also shoulder handstand.

No matter which kind of handstand will always have self-evident benefits, because upright is also a significant sign of human beings, but it may also cause cardiovascular burden, The sagging of intestines, stomach and heart organs will also cause the load on the neck and waist.

If you can do handstand exercises for a long time, it will also have many benefits.

First, it can not only make your body more fit, but also reduce wrinkles.

It has the effect of delaying aging and can improve people’s reaction ability.

People who walk upright can also change the blood circulation through handstand and effectively improve the blood supply to the head.

Yoga handstand is also a difficult posture among many yoga postures, but it is not particularly difficult.

When challenged, it will also have a sense of achievement, from which you can get a sense of satisfaction.

You can also feel the charm brought by yoga from an inverted angle and enjoy the different experiences brought by yoga.

The graphic material comes from the Internet and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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