New Yoga Life

Standing yoga, adhere to 5 minutes, burn fat for an hour, can be significantly plastic!

▎ standing straight for 5 minutes is equal to walking for 40 minutes, which can significantly reduce weight.

▎ walking is a kind of aerobic exercise with the lowest intensity.

It has a time limit.

It must be about 40 minutes to have an effect.

However, if you keep the standard posture for only 5 minutes, you will feel sore all over your body, so you can achieve the purpose of fitness.

If you insist on standing for 25 minutes after meals every day, you will see obvious weight loss effect in about 2 months.

In fact, standing for 25 minutes watching TV is also a good choice.

Vs ▎ the standard standing posture pays attention to one line and two cores, that is, the back of the head, back, hips and heels are in a straight line, and the waist and abdomen are the two cores.

People are like sticking to the wall.

At the same time, the muscles of the whole body are tightened, the chest and abdomen are raised, the shoulders are abducted, and the legs are slightly forced.

Before standing, you should first prepare for activities.

People who are worried that their legs will be thick after standing too long should pay particular attention to that as long as they stretch their legs fully in advance, there will be no “elephant legs”.

In addition to standing against the wall, girls can also practice: standing yoga can make you tall and straight, beautiful and temperament, and practice the most beautiful posture! 1.

Queen style ▪ Stand firmly with your feet apart, at a distance equal to your hips.

▪ Lower your hips and bend your knees down so that your thighs and calves are at a 90 degree angle.

▪ Put your weight between your heels, bend your elbows, lift them up, palm forward, and keep your upper body upright.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.


Wide squat ▪ Continue to do it from the upper pose, fold your waist and abdomen, and lean your upper body forward.

▪ Straighten your arms forward to help you maintain your balance.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.


Standing forward flexion grasping toes ▪ Continue to do it individually, standing with your legs straight and your hips facing the ceiling.

▪ Bend your waist and abdomen downward, keep your upper body close to your legs, and pull the big toes on the same side with both hands.

If you still lack flexibility, touch the ground with your fingertips.

▪ Nod up and down and stretch your neck.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.


Hand grasping toe ▪ Stand in mountain pose, then slowly shift the weight of your body to your left foot, lift up your right leg and keep your body balanced.

▪ Rotate your right leg to the right and hold the big toe of your right foot tightly with your right hand; Try to keep your legs straight and feel the extension of the tailbone and spine.

▪ When your body is balanced, turn your head to the left and stare to the left.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.


Single leg lift ▪ Keep your weight on your left foot, rotate your right leg back to the center of your body, release your hand, then slowly put down your right leg and push it straight forward.

▪ Pinch your waist with both hands, keep your upper body as upright as possible, keep your shoulders open and feel the stretching of your hips.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.


Lunge back spread ▪ From the top to the bottom, put down your right leg and put it behind you, similar to the leg position of warrior 1.

▪ Keep the left knee bent at 90 degrees, no more than the toe, the thigh parallel to the ground, bend the back, feel the stretching of the spine, and put the right hand on the back of the thigh.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.


Side double angle ▪ Continue to do it in the individual pose, fold the waist and abdomen, bend the upper body forward and head down.

If you are flexible enough, you can put your head on the yoga mat in front of you.

▪ Put your arms together behind you, hold your hands in reverse, push forward, and feel your shoulders open.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.


Double angle ▪ Connect to the individual pose, keep the two arms in a fixed position, slowly straighten the left leg, and support the two legs in an inverted V-shape on the cushion.

▪ Lower your waist, head down, look back and feel the extension of the spine.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.


Split leg forward bending ▪ Separate your legs to the left and right, put your shoulders on the cushion in front of you to support your upper body, and relax your arms under your body.

▪ Lower your hips until you can reach the lowest position and feel the opening of your hips.

▪ Turn your head to the other side and put your side face on the ground so that you won’t hurt your chin.

▪ Hold five deep breaths in this position.

This article is from the Internet.

The content is only for discussion after dinner.

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