New Yoga Life

Practice this yoga pose, handstand and hand support are all so easy!

Swing Sanskrit Name: lolasana is the foundation of many difficult postures.

If you do a good job of swing, many difficult postures will come naturally, such as handstand, hand support, walking stick, etc! Especially for practicing Ashtanga’s jumping back and forth, this action is necessary! Today, Xiaobian will share a 7-step sequence of practicing the swing step by step.

Those who like to challenge the difficult pose must not miss it! Need assistive equipment: two pieces of yoga bricks for ° action 01.

Prepare for the walking stick posture.

Put the yoga bricks on both sides of the hip, turn the toes back, exhale, tighten the core, lift the hip off the ground, bend the left knee, keep the instep close to the ground, inhale perpendicular to the heel, restore, and keep dynamic practice on each side for 12 times.

Tips: find the feeling of walking stick force, fully tighten the ° action 02 in the front of the body, and exit from action 01, Enter the inclined plank to prepare for the core tightening, bend the left knee forward and touch the left elbow, then sink upward, inhale, restore the inclined plank, maintain the dynamic practice of 12 ° actions on each side 03, maintain the preparation position of action 01, stop for 3 breaths this time, and repeat the practice of 5-8 ° actions on each side 04, prepare for the King Kong sitting position, exhale with both hands, tighten the core, press the back of the feet, and the hips leave the heels, If the knee is close to the abdomen and the strength is insufficient, the Jiaren can use the Yoga brick to repeat 10-12 times of ° action 05 and maintain the preparation position of action 04.

This time, raise it as high as possible and repeat 10-12 times of ° action 06.

Keep the preparation position of action 06, with both hands forward, shoulders vertical and wrists exhaling, Tighten the core, raise the hips and keep the knees close to the abdomen as much as possible.

Keep the whole back full.

Repeat the exercise for 10-12 times.


Try to enter the swing, pay attention to the details, tighten the core, keep the knees close to the abdomen as much as possible, keep the instep straight, tighten the perineum, and lift the whole back to keep full.

Tips: there are many similarities between the swing and the walking stick.

Be sure to tighten the front of the body, Fully mobilize the strength of the whole body.

Weak strength in any place may affect the completion of swing! Please add ▼ long press the identification QR code to add ▼▼ 2022 teachers workshop.

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