Practice joy Yoga (I)

Practicing joyful yoga is not only a quiet and quiet time, but also a “amorous” time.

This “amorous” is the manifestation of spirituality, which makes people have compassion for the poor and sick, and compassion for the enemy.

At this time, people’s mood is relatively relaxed and non aggressive.

However, when encountering trouble in real life, it is very difficult to maintain this quiet and “amorous”.

In a sense, yoga training is to train us to prepare for real life.

Therefore, yoga is not a costume, which can be taken off after the performance.

As a yogi, you should not only look for the feeling of “Yoga” in a specific time, but make your daily life full of purity and good quality, so that your body and mind can be in a harmonious state at any time.

A person who knows how to develop positive and positive traits is a real yoga practitioner; Practicing yoga does not lie in whether we can make difficult and beautiful movements.

All our behaviors and our sincerity and kindness are the embodiment of yoga.

Be sincere and respectful.

If you always take the truth as your teacher, you will have joy and respect.

No matter encountering happy or sad things, no matter being praised or ridiculed, when all favorable circumstances and adverse circumstances rush to us, we can have no doubt about the existence of truth and keep our mood motionless.

All the blessings of parents are sought from piety and respect, from the foundation, from slow to fast.

If you see the effect over time, you will witness the real benefits of yoga.

If you want to make the effect of Yoga stable and lasting, you can’t fish in three days and dry the net in two days, otherwise your previous efforts will be wasted.

You must practice continuously day after day, month after month and year after year, that is, the so-called “Heaven rewards diligence”.

At a certain time, your inner spiritual characteristics and appearance will be more attractive.

Many students have a “shopping mentality”.

They come out from this master and go to another master to spend their time and energy on judgment and choice, but they lack at least seriousness and sincerity.

In fact, they lose the most in the end, because they waste their spiritual life for entertainment.

Although the function of joy yoga is to make people happy without suffering, the whole practice process is a state of no pain, no joy and no affectation.

Be willing to be lonely, because yoga practice is not a lively thing, and you can’t rely on external materials.

At this time, your mind must be collected, introspective, calm and peaceful.

In the process, some emotions may be exposed without control, some of which are spiritual exposure, some are the conditioning of energy on spirit, or the venting of darkness and pain.

These are normal, But we must stick to it.

After several times, calm will return.

At this time, there will be spiritual joy.

This joy is very special.

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