New Yoga Life

Often cold hands and feet? Try this warm-up Yoga sequence to promote blood circulation

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The main reason for the cold hands and feet in winter is that the blood metabolism slows down, the low air temperature shrinks the blood vessels and weakens the ability of blood reflux, which leads to the poor blood circulation of hands and feet, especially the fingertips, toes and other parts, and the poor nerve circulation at the end.

Hands and feet are cold.

Soaking your feet is the most effective way.

Add hot water of about 40 degrees into a deep basin to let the water overflow your ankles.

After soaking for about 20 minutes, you will feel the fever of the whole body, which indicates that the body starts to heat after the blood circulation is unblocked.

Of course, it can also be combined with yoga practice to speed up the body’s metabolism, which will make all parts of the body active and promote blood circulation.

This set of yoga is very suitable for winter practice.

There is no great amount of exercise.

You can keep it in simple movements for a long time.

A set of simple yoga to promote blood circulation ↓↓ 1 Stand and bend your feet forward, open them the same width as your hips, bend your knees slightly, fold your hands from your hips, put your hands on the brick, lower your head, and stretch the back of your neck for 3 minutes 2 Lie on your back on the bridge, bend your knees, step on the ground with your feet, align your knees, put the brick under the sacrum, straighten your hands on your side, and keep your palms upward for 3 minutes The inverted arrow brick is placed under the sacrum, the legs are together, the feet are hooked back, the legs are vertical to the ground, and the hands are straightened on the side of the body, with the palms facing upward for 3 minutes.

4 The right leg of the pyramid is pulled back 2 feet, the distance of the sole of the foot is folded forward from the hip, the hands are extended forward, grasp the brick, lower the head, keep the back of the head extended for 3 minutes, and change sides for 5 Pug kneel on your knees, align your hips, step on your feet, put your forehead on the ground, and extend your hands forward for 3 minutes 6 Dolphin style with elbows on the ground, small arms parallel, palms on the ground, feet on the ground, abdomen adduction, hips raised, legs straight, back of head relaxed, maintained for 1 minute 7 The inverted arrow variant lies on the back, the bricks are placed at the junction of the waist and sacrum, the hips are away from the wall, the legs are placed on the wall, about 70 degrees, the hands are open, and the palm is upward for 3 minutes.

The amount of exercise in this set of exercises is not large.

Pay attention to keeping warm in winter and practice in long sleeves and trousers! Practice every morning and before going to bed for better results!..

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