Natural yoga gives you a happy New Year

2022 I wish you vertebrae, sternum, skull and sacrum, and the strength of bones and bones; Back, chest, neck and trunk muscles are powerful; Digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urinary, reproductive, motor, nervous, endocrine, eight systems are united and friendly; Veins, arteries and six veins are harmonious; Systemic circulation, pulmonary circulation, blood circulation and body fluid circulation are unobstructed; The right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle are prosperous; The central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, somatic nerve and visceral nerve operate harmoniously and feel refreshed.

Blessing starts from the medulla oblongata, passes through the jugular foramen along the vagus nerve, goes out of the skull, goes around the left subclavian artery, crosses the aorta, passes through the left pulmonary root, and reaches the corner called the heart in the front left of the sixth thoracic vertebra: Happy 2022! Air molecules vibrate through the tympanic membrane, along the auditory ossicles, and ignite the bipolar cells in the cochlear spiral ganglion through the hair cells of the inner ear.

Along the cochlear nerve, through the ventral and dorsal nuclei of the cochlear nerve, through the ventral and dorsal nuclei of the cochlear nerve, through the trapezoid and cross upward, through the inferior colliculus, the medial geniculate body, through the auditory radiation, through the inner capsule to the transverse gyrus of the temporal lobe, so that we can hear the bell of the new year.

The light in the night hits the retina, passes through the cone and rod cells, bipolar cells, and comes to the ganglion cells.

It passes through the optic nerve, cross, optic tract, lateral geniculate body, and the visual radiation ends in the cortex around the talus sulcus.

Gorgeous fireworks are displayed in our brain.

Neurons in the cortex around the talform sulcus send fireworks through the angular gyrus, Wernicke area and arcuate bundle to Broca area, through the anterior central gyrus, through the cortical brainstem bundle, down to the brainstem through the knee of the internal capsule, to the lower part of the facial nucleus and the hypoglossal nucleus, control the tongue and shout: Happy New Year 2022! New year’s Eve: all of you: potential, gravity, elastic, friction, everywhere, uniform speed, speed up, speed up, speed up, speed up, speed up, awesome speed, energy, energy, energy, energy, mechanical energy, everything, energy, energy, energy, energy, energy, energy, energy, energy, energy and energy.

Momentum impulse action amount promising star planet pulsar full sky blessing star cathode anode North South Pole climax electric field magnetic field specification field grand gas field organic-inorganic perpetual motion infinite business opportunity rotation revolution spiral rotation line play with plane surface paraboloid with inside and surface divergence curl degree of freedom large square degree Newton Leighton Hamilton eat a meal three-dimensional four-dimensional eleven dimensional accurate thinking airflow turbulence straight Flow generation wind current right angle acute angle inverted triangle all play the leading role, solid-state liquid bistable 10000 square posture, hydrogen, helium, electronic gas, elation, solid gas semiconductor is appropriate everywhere..

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