New Yoga Life

[love yoga] at the beginning of spring, all things begin to come into being!

[beginning of spring] at the beginning of four o’clock on February 4, 2022, all things begin to grow.

Spring is the master of growth and hair.

The first priority is detoxification.

Beginning of spring is one of the traditional Chinese festivals and the first of the 24 solar terms.

It represents the awakening of all things into a vibrant spring, and the four seasons of the year begin from then on! Establish, start to build; At the beginning of spring, the spring Qi is established.

Although the cold is still there, the growth of all things is unstoppable.

In the bleak and long winter, the power accumulated by all things is also waiting to be released.

The ancients divided the beginning of spring into three periods: there is a saying that “the east wind thaws in the first period; the stinging insects start to vibrate in the second period; and the fish Zhi bears the ice in the third period”.

At first, the east wind thawed.

At this time, the east wind warms and the earth begins to thaw.

Second, the sting begins to vibrate.

As the temperature rises, the stinging insects slowly wake up in the cave.

Three seasons, fish Zhi negative ice.

At this time, the ice in the river began to melt, but there were still pieces of ice on the water surface that were not completely dissolved.

It felt like fish swimming with ice on their backs.

At the beginning of spring, people obviously feel that the day is longer and the sun is warmer.

Temperature, sunshine and rainfall are often at the turning point of the year and tend to rise or increase.

The growth of crops in spring is accelerated, and the water consumption of rape mossing and wheat jointing is increased.

Watering and topdressing should be carried out in time to promote growth.

The agricultural proverb reminds people: “when the rain comes in the beginning of spring, get up early and go to bed late” spring preparation has also begun.

The beginning of spring has a history of more than 3000 years, and China attaches great importance to it from the official to the people.

At the beginning of spring, the son of heaven personally led three gongs and nine Qings and princes and doctors to greet spring in the eastern suburbs and pray for a good harvest.

When you come back, you should reward the officials and order Bude to benefit the people.

This kind of activity affected the common people and made it a spring festival activity for the whole people from generation to generation.

The beginning of spring is just an intention, and the later “willow color, golden tender, pear flower, white and snow fragrance” is the epitome of the phenological process of spring.

Nevertheless, people can’t hide their joy.

The customs of this season are very lively and full of a sense of ceremony.

The beginning of spring is “the beginning of the year”.

In ancient times, a huge spring welcoming ceremony will be held to pick up spring and the God of sentence Mang of Si Nong.

It not only advises farming, but also reminds people to cherish time.

“Beginning of spring” is not only an important solar term, but also an important folk festival.

In order to welcome the spring, Chinese people have folk activities such as “biting spring” and “whip spring” on this day.

“Whip spring”, also known as “whip spring cattle”, “sacrifice spring cattle” and “spring beating cattle”, is to pinch the soil into a farming cow symbolizing farming.

The belly is stuffed with grain.

When the cow is broken, the grain flows out.

This custom reflects the ancients’ attention to spring and agriculture, expresses their hope for a bumper harvest in agriculture, and also reposes the ancients’ confidence and longing for people to work hard and spring early.

Eating spring cakes, spring rolls, spring boxes, lettuce and radish is called “biting spring”, which means welcoming the new year and Naji, praying for good weather and complacency in the coming year.

On the day of spring, every family will eat spring cakes, commonly known as “biting spring”.

The “five spice plate” of the ancients is called “spring plate” when it is eaten with spring cakes and vegetables.

Spring plate is a plate of green vegetables growing in early spring.

It must be pungent, that is, it has a little spicy taste, which can help our body detoxify and resist virus.

Radish tassel: dispelling Qi celery: dispelling Qi leek: blood gas coriander: Tongyang Qi shepherd’s purse: Spring cake for benefiting liver qi.

There are more patterns.

You can put yellow bean sprouts, fried eggs, shredded cucumber, shredded carrot, shredded scallion, etc.

and dip them in sauce.

2、 Spring greeting is an important activity at the beginning of spring.

Spring greeting is carried out the day before the beginning of spring.

The purpose is to bring spring back to Jumang God.

3、 In many areas, ancestors are sacrificed at the beginning of spring.

For example, according to the records of Xin’an County in Guangdong, “people have something to do in ancestral temple on this day”.

4、 There is also the custom of hiding in spring among the people, which means that we must welcome this day calmly and happily, can’t have friction with others, and taboo to participate in funerals.

5、 After the beginning of spring, people like to go out for spring outing on the days of warm spring flowers.

It is commonly known as spring outing and spring outing, which is also the main form of spring outing.

It turns out that there are so many customs at the beginning of spring.

Spring returns to the earth and everything grows! It’s not far away from taking off your down jacket.

2022 is another promising new year.

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