New Yoga Life

How to avoid getting hurt in yoga? Mentality is very important, warm-up can not be less

Most beginners may encounter some obstacles when practicing yoga.

Why? This may have something to do with the incorrect way of practice, or it may be too impetuous.

Many people are always very anxious when they first contact yoga.

They will also feel that another small action needs to be repeated every day.

It takes so long every day.

Indeed, there are some unworthy, so they will do some postures they can’t bear, which will eventually lead to muscle strain.

In fact, the most taboo when practicing yoga is this mentality.

We are not going to participate in the competition.

When practicing yoga, we need patience and also need to practice correctly, so that we can master more postures step by step.

Many postures need to be tried before we can know whether they can be completed.

For example, at the beginning, you may not be able to complete the crotch opening of a horse.

If you feel pain halfway through it, it also shows that the flexibility is not satisfied at all.

You must stop and continue to do the action of opening the flexibility.

When practicing yoga, many people directly ignore muscle endurance and regard yoga as a movement to soften people.

If they blindly only know to stretch, it will also cause the relaxation of joint ligaments.

When practicing yoga, they should fully combine flexibility and strength, and should not focus on any aspect.

Breathing method is also extremely important when practicing yoga.

Many people can’t really cooperate with posture.

If they simply remember these actions without paying attention to the cooperation of breathing, they will also cause physical discomfort and gradually weaken their self-consciousness.

In the process of practicing yoga, you can also appropriately try to slow down the movement, cooperate with the rhythm of breathing, and then experience it slowly, so that knowledge and breathing can integrate with each other.

This is a more reasonable yoga practice.

When we practice yoga, we should also know that this is a kind of fitness exercise, so we must do a good warm-up, which is extremely critical.

Many people may suddenly skip this step after a long time, thinking that there is no need to warm-up at all.

In fact, if there is no warm-up before doing yoga, it is likely to cause the joints to become stiff, There is no way to complete some accurate postures, which will also cause damage to body joints.

Practicing yoga is also to better perceive your body and reach the limit, but it will not hurt yourself.

Therefore, the posture of yoga is not particularly important, because there is no so-called standard.

If there is a so-called standard, there can be no such changeable posture..

Generally speaking, it is also a perception of yourself.

When practicing yoga, don’t be radical.

Every detail should be within your ability, and then you can make slow progress.

Yoga is also a lifelong practice.

The graphic material comes from the Internet and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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