New Yoga Life

How does the tree of Yoga describe the eight branches of Yoga? Be sure to see!

Yoga eight sticks is a very important philosophical part of yoga.

Today, let’s take a look at how the book “Yoga tree” explains Yoga eight sticks.

[Yoga eight branches] precept making Yama , internal making niyama , asana , breath control pranayama , sensation making pratyahara , focus dharana , meditation Dhyana , samadhi Yoga eight branches can be divided into three parts: precept making and internal making.

These two branches belong to social and personal ethics and accomplishments.

Asana, pranayama, and sensuality are the three branches that help individuals to understand themselves.

Concentration, meditation and samadhi are not the methods of cultivation, but the results of yoga, which can let people experience food and see the soul.

Internal system tells us what we should do to benefit individuals and society, and precepts tell us what we should avoid to harm individuals and society.

Postures practice various postures of the body.

Breathing control is the knowledge about breathing.

The sense of control is to keep the five senses, not climb everywhere, let the five senses retract, focus on the core of existence, and be silent inside.

Concentration is a complete concentration.

Meditation is meditation.

Samadhi is the highest state of yoga, that is, the blissful state combined with the spirit of the universe.

A tree is taken care of when it grows.

When the time comes, the tree will blossom and bear fruit naturally.

Yoga practice is the same.

As long as you persevere, sooner or later, it will bloom the spiritual fragrance of freedom and happiness.

The essence of trees lies in fruit.

The essence of our practice lies in freedom, tranquility and peace in happiness.

The root of the tree of yoga is to make precepts.

There are five kinds of precepts: no harm, truth, no theft, moderation and no greed.

Making precepts is to guard the five moving organs of the body: hands, feet, mouth, reproductive organs and excretory organs.

The trunk is internally made, and the corresponding principles are purity, contentment, enthusiasm, self-study and piety.

These five principles of internal practice control our perceptual organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.

Branches are asanas.

These branches are long or short, horizontal or vertical, lateral or staggered.

These different actions make the physical function of the body harmonious with the psychological model of yoga practice.

Leaves are breathing method, which can promote the harmony between respiratory system and circulatory system.

Bark is a sensory system, which is the inner and outer journey of the senses from the skin to the core of existence.

Tree sap is concentration (mind concentration) that focuses attention on the core of existence.

SAP connects from the top leaves to the roots.

In order to meditate, the flower experiences this sense of unity from the periphery to the core when meditating.

At this time, the perceiver and the perceived become one.

When a tree is healthy and energetic, it will bloom naturally, because meditation is the flower of the tree of yoga.

The fruit is Samadhi.

The essence of the tree is fruit, and the essence of yoga is freedom, peace, peace and happiness in samadhi, when the body, mind and spirit are unified and integrated into the universal spirit.

Yoga philosophy, the most important foundation ♣ Original title: media accuse China of threatening stability in the Taiwan Strait? The trump administration’s “divine logic” is no longer acceptable to the US media…

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When you see your hair, you’ll see it; Visit but don’t be generous, and start the holiday on time; Ah, in the Golden Eagle Festival last night, diri Reba was the candidate with the highest degree of topic and discussion.

In a party, one person gathered the Golden Eagle goddess, the most popular actress award and the most popular actress award at the same time, not to mention the top among the post-90s flowers, which is unprecedented in the history of the Golden Eagle Festival.

Just in terms of whether the attribution of the award is convincing, this one is really a little far away.

Just looking at the decline in the score of the award-winning work “beautiful Li Huizhen” on Douban from last night to today, the attitude of the ordinary audience is very clear at a glance.

But this work itself is a failed work on Douban, and there is not much room for decline.

So far, it has only fallen from 4.6 before to 4.2 now.

However, the number of scoring is still rising, and it is unknown to what extent the score will fall..

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