Guru yoga needs to practice five Jias, okay?

Guru: according to our traditional practice, there must be a process of accumulating capital and clearing obstacles.

Although the first plus line and the following positive line are all for the sake of success and liberation, the cultivation of positive practice is more subtle and profound than that of plus line.

Therefore, for a person with heavy karma and shallow blessings, if he directly starts to learn high Dharma, he will not be able to learn it for a period of time, because it does not meet his conditions at all.

It’s equivalent to if someone asks, “teacher! I don’t want my child to go to kindergarten or primary school.

Can I send him directly to junior high school?” What would the teacher say? The teacher will not directly say no, he will say: “if your child has the following series of conditions, even if he is sent directly to junior high school, it is completely possible, because he has the ability to accept it.” If the previous series of basic conditions are not available, even if you rely on some of your relationships to send your child to junior high school, he will be unable to do anything.

Because he can’t keep up! I don’t know what the teacher is teaching, especially every time he does his homework, he doesn’t know where to start, and he will eventually fail.

So our usual practice is the same.

We, who have inherited the ancestors of the past dynasties without dirt and light, said: “although the merits and virtues we know are immeasurable, if we do not integrate our mind with the Dharma, we will not be able to straighten out our troubles and complain about the enemy.” In other words, no matter what Dharma you study, you must correspond to your current conditions.

If not, the root machine is too low, the Dharma is too high, and the final outcome will still end in failure.

These are very realistic things.

Nowadays, many people want to learn a heart seal today and become enlightened now.

This is very good, but you have to think about it first.

If this is true, we say that the compassion of Buddha and Bodhisattva is no great mercy.

Why should we explain 84000 kinds of dharmas? How good it is to only talk about one Dharma! Let’s be free as soon as we enter Buddhism.

From then on, we can do whatever we want.

What a relaxing thing.

Why bother us for so long? If this is the case, the ancestors of successive generations will not have to practice for a long time, nor will they preach such teachings for future generations.

From these teachings, we can know that learning according to the order is indispensable.

It seems that practice is a kind of asceticism.

Yes, there are many things to do.

In particular, I felt a little scared when I heard the five plus practices – 500000 different ways of learning.

In this way, it’s a very good thing if you can finish 500000 extra practices according to the traditional practice method.

Your merit is boundless! Han people love to inquire about how others practice.

Some people may ask, “guru, I seem to have heard that some people directly enter guru Zhengxing Yoga without practice.

How can you explain this?” There’s nothing to explain.

The purpose of the previous practice plus practice is to accumulate capital and clear obstacles, which is to make their root machine conditions more mature, their karmic obstacles lighter and their blessings more available, especially to lay a good foundation for the cultivation of upright practice or create this magic weapon.

However, due to personal reasons, some disciples have been exposed to all kinds of inheritance, whether Han Buddhism, Southern Buddhism, or other inheritance, and have been exposed to many dharmas.

During this time, he also practiced many dharmas, including Xianzong, recited many Amitabha, and engaged in many good deeds.

As a result of such practice for many years, relatively speaking, its karma has been gradually reduced, and its merit is also increasing day by day.

What is the sign of merit growth? The confidence is stronger and stronger, and the centrifugal force is bigger and bigger.

This is the real purpose of practicing the five plus lines or this series of methods.

Those who have such conditions do not have to practice Jiaxing.

BEA Canada is a specific law, which is not the case.

As we have just said, there is no definite law, which is to preach the corresponding law for different root machines.

Then, if a person has such conditions, we may not let him go again according to the rules of this inheritance.


In this way, there will be a lot of doubts in his mind.

He thinks that this inheritance is a perfect inheritance.

Isn’t all the laws I have practiced a law? Such doubts are bound to arise.

Of course, the law once practiced is also law.

Because our mentor Sakyamuni Buddha once said, “self purification is all Buddhism.” Regulating one’s own heart is the purpose of all Buddhism, not only this inheritance, but also the purpose of all inheritance.

If this is the case, of course, the previous practices have the function of adding lines.

It is entirely possible to directly enter the right line, which is probably the case.

It doesn’t mean that I have to practice Dharma.

For example, I have practiced a lot of good deeds, not only in quantity, but also in terms of quality.

From the perspective of quality, my troubles have been greatly reduced, and my centrifugal, Bodhi Heart and confidence have also increased a lot, especially my confidence in teachers and Dharma.

That fully shows that the foundation in front is still well grounded.

At this time, there must be a magic tool for cultivating Zhengxing directly into Zhengxing, so you may not encounter too many obstacles in the process of cultivating Zhengxing.

If you don’t have this condition, you will give up one day and feel that you can’t go on.

Of course, sometimes I meet people who practice guru yoga and say, “I can’t go on before now.” The main reason why I can’t continue the repair, for example, may be that I don’t observe clearly when I observe the repair, or I don’t have a firm view when I live in peace.

If you are not firm enough, that is to say, you can’t stay in a meditation for a long time, which may be the biggest reason why you can’t practice.

Sometimes I take these two questions into my own practice to observe.

Why do I say so? The final conclusion is that the practice time is too short and the times are too few..

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