New Yoga Life

Feel tired at work? A set of yoga teacher’s favorite repair sequence, let you full of energy!

Click on the above “zero start learning makeup and beauty” to share a simple repair sequence today.

Now you can practice at home to alleviate your physical fatigue and go to work full of vitality tomorrow! When practicing, pay attention to breathing, relax your body as much as possible, and leave all bad emotions at the moment.

01 hero sits on the Yoga pillow with his legs separated under his hips, kneels on the pillow, keeps his shoulders relaxed, his spine extended, closes his eyes, and stays for 3-5 minutes.

02 lying hero kneels and stands on the cushion surface with his feet slightly larger than his hips.

His knees can be separated by the same width as his hips.

Put the Yoga pillow on the back of his hips and exhale.

Lie back on the pillow with his shoulders relaxed, Stay for 3-5 minutes 03 sit and bend forward, sit and stand on the cushion surface, straighten your legs, put the Yoga pillow on your thighs, inhale, extend your spine and exhale, lie down on the pillow with your upper body down and stay for 3-5 minutes 04 supine twist supine, straighten your legs and bend your right knee forward, put your left hand on the outside of your right knee, exhale to the right, put your right leg on the pillow, and try not to leave your shoulders off the cushion surface for 3-5 minutes, Change the other side to practice 05.

The frog kneels and stands on the cushion surface, with both knees open to both sides, and the large and small legs are 90 °, the upper body lies on the pillow, one side of the face is close to the pillow, and the hands are placed on both sides of the head.

Stay for 3-5 minutes.

06 lie on your back with the pillow under the back waist.

Straighten your legs up into the inverted arrow or practice with your legs against the wall.

Stay for 3-5 minutes.

07 baby kneels and stands on the cushion surface, The legs are slightly separated from the upper body of the hip, lie prone on the pillow, put both hands on both sides of the body for 3-5 minutes, 08 relax on the back, put the Yoga pillow under the knee socket, completely relax the body, and stay for more than 3-5 minutes.

These postures can fully stretch the body, drive away anxiety and restore the state of full vitality! Let the body be full of energy again! Click on the official account name card below, identify and pay attention to, more exciting waiting for you!.

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