New Yoga Life

Emotion management. Why are yoga practitioners good at managing their emotions?

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I believe everyone will feel angry.

It’s natural and we don’t like it.

It’s often difficult to express that there are many experiences that make us angry, such as being treated unfairly, not being listened to or criticized for a long journey.

However, we all know that anger is bad for health.

Most diseases are closely related to anger “Anger hurts the liver and sorrow the lung” so manage your emotions and be less angry to make yourself happier.

So how can you be less angry or not angry? More and more people choose to practice yoga.

Yoga is the perfect tool to release emotions and reduce anger.

In the process of yoga practice, we excavate more emotions stored in the deep layer, bring them to the surface and release them from the body.

This is also why Yoga people can exude a state of being calm, healthy and confident.

So, how does yoga help us improve our emotions, How to adjust your mood? 01 pranayama yoga focuses on deep, long and uniform breathing.

When the breathing is gentle, we are easy to feel and pay attention to the subtle energy in our heart, which increases our awareness and feeling of the body.

With more awareness of emotional energy, the energy channel will become more and more unblocked, thus improving our ability of emotional flow.

02 phonation each breathing method can help open the throat chakra and let the angry emotion out of the body Release it.

Chanting can release joy.

Whispering can soften fear.

Roaring can release sadness.

Making a sound when emotions are activated and begin to surface is important to release these emotions out of the body.

03 asana anger can affect the state of the body.

Practicing yoga can help release and stabilize emotions.

If you are irritable and impulsive today, it is recommended to practice Yin Yoga to balance energy.

If you are depressed If you are depressed, you can try to practice strength yoga to improve energy, improve spirit and mood, and Qi will disappear.

04 meditation meditation is to obtain a good state of self-consciousness through deep relaxation.

Meditation is to consciously focus on a certain point or idea.

This is not to clear consciousness, but to make the subconscious activities more sensitive and active in the state of conscious consciousness, so you are in a bad mood Practice yoga more often to regulate your mood, relieve your mood, drive away negative energy and smile at life (source network of pictures and texts, if involving the rights and interests of the original author, please contact Xiaobian to delete)..

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