After practicing this set of yoga, the abdomen is small and the hips are tilted!

01 – abdominal curling effect of lower dog: ① exercise hips and core; ② Stretch the back of the thighs and lower legs.

Step1: start from the downward dog pose, inhale, and straighten the right leg upward and backward; Step 2: exhale, move the right knee forward to the right arm, and bring the shoulder to the top of the wrist; Step 3: inhale back to the dog under one leg, repeat 10 times and change sides.

02 anti warrior style and side angle style: ① exercise hips, thighs and core; ② Stretch the sides of your body.

Step1: from the downward dog pose, land the left leg forward, bend the knee, and land the right heel; Step 2: inhale, stand upright, with the right hand on the outside of the right leg and the left hand extending upward; Step 3: exhale, fold and extend forward and downward, support the ground with the left hand on the inner side of the left knee, and extend the right hand upward; Step 4: inhale back to anti warrior, repeat 10 times and change sides.

03 warrior style and humble warrior style: ① exercise hips, thighs and core; ② Stretch your shoulders and lower back.

Step1: start from the downward dog pose, exhale and land your left foot forward, and inhale to the warrior position; Step 2: exhale with hands behind your back and fingers clasped; Step 3: inhale to extend the chest, exhale and fold forward and down; Step4: inhale and get up, exhale and fold forward and down; Step5: hold for 10 times and change sides.

04 inclined plate and four column support: exercise core, shoulder, chest, biceps and triceps.

Step1: start from the downward dog pose, inhale the shoulder forward to the inclined plate; Step 2: exhale, bend the elbow, clamp the body with the elbow, and send the shoulder forward; Step3: the shoulders should not be lower than the elbows, the top of the head should be forward and the heels should be backward; Step4: inhale back to the inclined plate and do it 10 times.

05 – effect of three rolls of abdomen for soldiers: ① exercise hips, thighs and core; ② Stretch the back of your thighs.

Step1: stand with your feet together, inhale, raise your right leg and bend your knees; Step 2: exhale, fold forward, cross your hands in front, and find your right hip with your right heel; Step3: inhale, push your right leg back straight, stretch your left leg straight, and open your hands to both sides; Step4: repeat 10 times.

06 goddess effect: ① exercise hips, thighs and back; ② Stretch your upper back and shoulders.

Step1: open the length of one leg with the soles of the feet facing outward; Step 2: inhale, extend the clasp of the fingers of both hands upward, exhale and squat down, with the hips as high as the knees; Step 3: inhale, straighten the legs, bend the exhalation, and repeat 10 times.

07 one leg bridge effect: ① exercise hips and thighs; ② Stretch your shoulders and chest.

Step 1: lie down, bend your knees, step on the ground with your ankles aligned with your knees; Step 2: use abdominal force to lift your abdomen, with your hands clasped under your fingers; Step3: keep breathing for 5 times, inhale, lift the right leg up and keep breathing for 5 times; Step 4: exhale back to the bridge, inhale, lift the left leg up and keep breathing for 5 times.

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