New Yoga Life

8 yoga postures eliminate toxins, smooth the lower abdomen and get a good figure easily!

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Today Xiaobian wants to talk to you about the shaping method of the whole body.

The proportion of girls with pear shaped body in China is quite high.

So what kind of body is pear shaped body? That is, the shoulders are narrow, the waist is thin, the hips are wide, and the thighs are full.

The fat is mainly deposited in the hips and thighs.

The upper body is not fat, and the lower body is fat, like a pear.

The beautiful pear shaped figure should be like this And the ugly pear shape is Xiaobian tells you in a responsible attitude! Being overweight and obese will not only reduce your appearance, but also have a great chance of finding you for various diseases! For example, there will be a higher trend in the incidence of three high and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Today, Xiaobian will introduce eight fat reducing yoga postures, which can straighten your long legs, smooth your lower abdomen and expel toxins, so that you can stand with your bloated body.

Say byebye~1, stand with your feet together in mountain style, put your hands in front of your chest when inhaling, keep your trunk upright and close your eyes, Feel the energy flowing upward from your feet and keep breathing for 3-5 times.


Stand in the triangle stretching style with legs separated, with arms horizontally raised with shoulders, palms facing down, arms parallel to the ground, inhale, right foot rotated 90 degrees to the right, left leg extended from the inside, knees straight, exhale, right hand down, touch the yoga mat.

At the same time, extend your left arm upward, look at the fingertip of your left hand and keep breathing for 5 hours.


The soldier stands in a mountain style, with his legs separated by a step or so.

As he inhales, raise his arms above his head, put his hands together, and keep his arms straight.

As you exhale, bend your right knee until your right thigh is parallel to the ground, your right calf is perpendicular to the ground, your thigh and calf are at right angles, and your bent knee should not exceed your toes.


Wide leg folding two feet separated by two cushions, toes slightly inward and heels outward.

Then keep your feet still, imagine them close to each other, and feel your legs tighten.

You can hang your torso and arms, or wrap your index finger and middle finger around your big toe.

Let your shoulders relax towards your back.


Cobra prone, straight legs, toes back, hands flat in front; Inhale, press the ground with both hands, lift the trunk and stop for two breaths; Keep your elbows straight, your chest straight ahead, and your shoulder blades pulled toward the ceiling for 20 seconds.

Breathe normally; Exhale, relax, return to the yoga mat and repeat 2-3 times.


Vishnu supine, twist the body to the left, bend the left elbow, hold the lower part of the head with the left hand, extend the left leg to the distance, bend the right leg, hook the big toe with the index finger and middle finger of the right hand, inhale, push the right leg straight upward and maintain 5 breaths.


Locust prone, facing the yoga mat, with the instep on the ground, relax the whole body.

Exhale and lift your head, chest, hands and legs off the ground at the same time.

Tighten your hips, stretch your thigh muscles, stretch your arms back as far as possible, open your chest and keep 5 breaths; Exhale and slowly retract.


Bow prone, bend your knees, stretch your arms back, try to grasp your ankles with your hands respectively, lift your upper body slowly, face forward, look at the front, and maintain at least 5 deep breaths in this position…

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