Yoga’s astonga first sequence standing forward bending ab

In the past, I always felt uncomfortable doing forward flexion postures.

I felt my shoulders tense and my abdomen squeezed.

The most important thing is that the hamstring muscles at the back of my thighs are too tight and painful.

When we feel uncomfortable, we should pay attention to adjusting our posture and breathing.

Rome was not built in a day.

It takes time to stretch our body completely.

This is the confirmation of that sentence.

Practice comes with it.

So what are the benefits of padangusthasana and padahastasana?   1.

Standing forward flexion can provide detoxification massage to the internal organs of the abdomen.


It is especially helpful to avoid digestive problems and relieve stomach diseases, constipation, abdominal distention and gastrointestinal flatulence.


When they place their heads under the heart, head down has the additional benefit of promoting blood flow to the brain, helping to regulate blood pressure.

Note: enter the pose smoothly, avoid tension, keep the back extended, the back of the legs extended, and there is room for the abdomen and shoulders to keep the head drooping naturally, the neck relaxed and the shoulders stretched.

How to enter the standing forward bend apadangusthasana, return to samashitih (mountain pose) after the last round of Surya namaskarab and keep standing.

Ekam1 inhale, jump your feet about the same width as your hips, fold and bend forward from your hips, pull your big toes with your hands, extend your spine forward, open your elbows to both sides, dve2 exhale, bend down, let your neck relax and pull your chest to your legs, keep five breaths, trini3 inhale, raise your head, breathe, keep padahastasana standing forward, B inhale next time, count ekam1 again, enter standing forward, B, put your palms up and slide to your feet, Until the toe is the position where the hand is pressed to the wrist, extend dve2 exhale forward and fold forward to bring a deeper forward flexion.

Trini3 inhales, stands directly up and exhales back to mountain pose.

(picture and video resources come from the network)..

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