New Yoga Life

Yoga wrist pain? Yoga people should learn to play with their wrists so that they won’t hurt their wrists!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! In yoga practice, many yoga people, especially yoga beginners, usually reflect that they will have wrist pain after practice in lower dog pose, inclined plate pose, upper dog pose and other postures that need arm support.

In addition to the injury of the wrist itself, the most common reason for this problem is that the posture is not in the right position, resulting in excessive pressure on the wrist, resulting in wrist pain.

Specifically, there are the following situations: 01 incorrect palm and finger force.

In yoga postures that need palm and arm support, if the palm and finger are loose and weak, a solid foundation cannot be established, The weight of the body is easy to concentrate on the wrist and compensate with the wrist, resulting in wrist pain.

02 elbow hyperextension when the elbow is hyperextended, the weight of the body will not only lead to excessive extrusion of the elbow, but also cause injury to the elbow.

At the same time, there is also a part of the force accumulated on the wrist, allowing the wrist to compensate and produce pain.

This is also the reason why some Jiaren with over extended elbow will produce pain when practicing the posture of arm support.

Therefore, in yoga practice, we must make the elbow joint to the correct position.

Generally, bend the elbow slightly and make the elbow eye relative.

03 the palms, wrists, elbows and shoulders do not form a linear force arm.

The typical situation is that the distance between the hands is wrong, resulting in that the four do not form a linear force arm, and the force of pushing the ground by hand cannot be transmitted upward.

If the forces are concentrated on the wrist, the wrist will inevitably produce pain.

In yoga practice, if there is improper pressure on the wrist, you can first check whether the palm, wrist, elbow and shoulder are in a straight line, and then adjust according to the situation to return the position of each joint of the arm to the normal position.

The above situations can be summarized as follows: People’s wrists are not designed for load-bearing.

Although the wrist can do many things, the bones of the wrist are very small and belong to the weak link of the human body.

Therefore, when the wrist bears too much force, it will be damaged and cause pain.

Therefore, in the process of yoga practice, it is very important to know how to reasonably disperse the strength borne by the wrist.

X – the place with the most weight, O – the place with the second most weight, □ – the place to lift up, △ – the place where you can’t load! When we are doing the palm on the ground pose, the five fingers should be opened vigorously, and the three X points on the palm should be on the ground.

Try to lift the palm and wrist upward (force upward, but it doesn’t actually lead to empty palm) to make a space.

In addition to the above principles, today I recommend some tips to change the common yoga postures to avoid wrist pain.

Other arm support postures can refer to these changes.

Downward dog variant 1 shortens the distance, rolls up the yoga mat, elevates the wrist variant 2 shortens the distance, supports both hands on the inclined board Variant 3 puts the folded Yoga blanket on the wrist, elevates the wrist variant 4 bends the elbow, and places the forearm on the Yoga brick to release the pressure on the wrist.

Inclined board variant 1 bends the knee and reduces the pressure on the wrist variant 2 bends the elbow, Put the forearm on the Yoga brick, release the pressure on the wrist, shorten the distance, and support both hands on the inclined board.

In addition, for the Jia people with particularly poor arm strength, if they still feel that the wrist pressure is relatively high, they should do some basic arm strength exercises first, and after the arm strength is consolidated, The pressure on the wrist will naturally be reduced a lot.

Finally, attach a set of flexible wrist practice methods, which can be used as a warm-up.

The above wrist exercises can be carried out anytime and anywhere.

Long term exercises can not only strengthen the wrist, but also effectively prevent the mouse hand.

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