Yoga, want to learn to cross? The key is to practice cross leg lifting (dynamic drawing tutorial)

On the way of yoga, it is either yoga or paying attention to leg cross lifting on the way of yoga.

It is an action that requires the perfect cooperation of arm, core, back and leg strength.

Let’s take a look at the demonstration of Yoga goddess Kino: summary on leg cross.

It is very important to learn this action if you want to do well in Ashtanga Yoga.

Many students couldn’t lift their hips when they first practiced.

They also laughed at themselves that their hands were too short and their waist was too long.

In fact, the wrong position of the hands in the figure below is because the hands were placed in the wrong position.

The hands should not be placed on both sides of the hips, but on both sides of the thighs.

The figure below shows the correct position of the hands.

After the hands were placed correctly, the legs were crossed and the lifting hands were placed correctly, Remember the following four points: 1.

Move your shoulders forward 2.

Push your hands down 3.

Lift your hips backward and upward 4.

Keep your thighs close to the chest and your thighs close to the chest.

Step by step, practice the four steps of cross lifting your legs ↓↓↓ step 1: use yoga bricks, lift your hips and put the two bricks on both sides of your thighs with the center of gravity forward, keep your thighs close to the chest, push your hands down, lift your hips upward and backward, and inhale upward, When exhaling, put it down and repeat for 3 times, and then keep it for the fourth time for 5 times.

The dynamic diagram shows: Step 2: use yoga bricks, lift the hips + feet off the ground, put two bricks on both sides of the thighs, keep the weight of the feet off the ground forward, keep the thighs close to the chest, push the hands down, lift the hips up and back, keep the feet off the ground, inhale upward, and put them down and repeat for 3 times when exhaling, Then hold the breath diagram for 5 times for the fourth time: Step 3: without Yoga brick, lift your hips, put your hands on both sides of your thighs, move your weight forward, keep your thighs close to your chest, push your hands down, lift your hips up and back, move them up when inhaling, put them down when exhaling, repeat 3 times, and then hold the breath diagram for 5 times for the fourth time: Step 4: without Yoga brick, Lift your hips + feet off the ground, put your hands on both sides of your thighs, lift your feet off the ground, keep your thighs close to your chest, push your hands down, lift your hips up and back, keep your feet off the ground, inhale upward, put them down and repeat for 3 times, and then keep breathing for 5 times for the fourth time.

The dynamic diagram shows: how many of the above four steps can you do at present? It doesn’t matter if you can’t do it now.

First, don’t doubt that your hand is too short.

Practice step by step according to these four steps and stick to it every day.

You will find that it’s not as difficult as you think- Message Award-   Welcome to leave a message.

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