New Yoga Life

Yoga protects your knees and keeps your knees from getting old!

Knee joint is the largest and most complex joint of human body.

It belongs to hinge joint.

It is one of the few joints that can only move in one direction.

The knee joint is the largest load-bearing joint of the human body.

The average knee joint can bear 35 kg.

The more weight, the greater the probability of articular cartilage wear, and the more prone the tendon is to injury.

Any unreasonable movement may cause damage to the knee joint, thus burying the hidden danger of knee disease.

Yoga_in according to expert research statistics, the knee weight-bearing multiple is as follows: 1 When lying down, the weight on the knee is almost zero.


When standing up and walking, the load on the knee is about 1 ~ 2 times.


When going up and down the slope or steps, the load on the knee is about 3 ~ 4 times.


When running, the load on the knee is about 4 times.


When playing, the load on the knee is about 6 times.


When squatting and kneeling, the load on the knee is about 8 times.

The knee is under pressure every day, but you know, the best condition of the knee is only 15 years! How to reduce the wear of knee joint? It is mainly to increase the strength, stability, balance and coordination of the legs.

Today, yoga people are smaller.

That recommends a set of asanas to increase the strength of thigh quadriceps and hamstrings, help support joints, stabilize knees, prevent injuries, or prevent the deterioration of damaged knees.

Maintain 10-15 breaths per pose.


Baby variant: if the knee bends too much, it will damage the knee.

You can put a rolled blanket under the knee, touch the big toes, separate the knees, extend the hands forward on the inner side of the thigh, the same width as the shoulder, and put the forehead on the ground or brick 02 Forward flexion folding variant this variant teaches you how to straighten the legs without damaging the knee joints, bend the knees, fold forward, put the palm on the back of the calf muscles, put the fingertips down, push the calf hard, and then send the hips straight up, keep them right above the heels, and let the hips straighten the knees upward, Instead of pushing your knees back, fully relax the back of your head.

It is recommended to repeat this action several times 03 Phantom chair pose this pose increases the quadriceps, hamstrings and hip muscles of the thighs.

The knees of both feet are close together, bend the knees, the knees do not exceed the toes, and the hands extend upward.

The body is far away from the knees and thighs, and the hips are backward.

The center of gravity is on the heels to maintain the natural curve of the lower back, without over squeezing the lumbar spine or over extension 04 Triangle variant this variant can prevent the knee from overstretching and find the feeling that the body extends in all directions.

The feet open the length of one leg, the left foot faces forward, the sole of the foot is placed on the heel, the right foot is buckled a little, and the brick is placed on the back of the left lower leg, which will bend the knee slightly, start the quadriceps femoris of the left thigh to lift up, rotate the hip towards the wall, and put the left hand on the lower leg or thigh, Don’t put it on your knee.

Extend your right hand upward and look at the top 05 Bridge variant this posture can increase the quadriceps, hamstrings and hip muscles.

The feet are the same width as the hip.

Align the knee bricks and put them on the inner side of the thigh.

Hold the yoga mat with both hands and slowly lift the hips.

At the same time, clamp the bricks and extend the hip muscles towards the knee to give more space to the lower back 06 The variant of one leg touching the knee bends the left knee, and the left foot steps on the inner side of the right thigh.

The yoga belt is sleeved on the thigh above the knee.

The left hand grasps the yoga belt, pulls it down and out, and extends the right hand forward.

If you can, grasp the protection of the knee joint in the yoga practice of the right toe • 1.

Pay attention to warm-up, especially the hip joint.

The hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint are the three joints connected with the lower limbs of the human body, If the hip joint does not move enough, many postures that need to open the hip joint will exert excessive pressure on the knee joint and make the knee joint overwhelmed.

At the beginning, you can rotate your hips and ankles, practice butterfly pose and ox face pose, etc.

to strengthen the stretching of your hip joint.

After the hip joint is opened, it is much easier to cross sit and other postures.

• 2.

Avoid over stretching the knees inward.

In postures that require leg straightening, the knees are easy to over stretch inward.

For example, in the triangle and double leg back extension, the position of the knee is often easy to lean inward, and the ligament strength around the knee is easy to be unbalanced at this time.

In the standing pose, you can bend your knees slightly and let the soles of your feet press firmly and evenly.

In three-dimensional sitting, you can pad a small towel roll under the knee socket, etc.

• 3.

Pay attention to the subtle feeling of the knee and timely adjust the ligament, cartilage and meniscus of the knee.

If you feel pain, the injury is often inevitable.

So if you feel a little uncomfortable, adjust quickly to avoid further damage.

• 4.

Strengthen the protection of the knee through the balance pose.

In the balance pose, because the body needs to adjust itself to find the best position, the body’s wisdom will make rational use of the muscles and ligaments around the knee to find the balance point.

In particular, standing balance postures that require knee bending, such as Eagle pose, have the best effect.

This dynamic balance mainly enhances the function of ligaments, not just muscle strength, so it also helps to prevent future injuries.

• 5.

Pay attention to the relaxation posture after practice.

The relaxation after practice is very important.

It can help the recovery of muscles, ligaments and bones…

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