Yoga movements are common details in yoga practice

Today, let’s discuss the details of common yoga practice with you.

You can follow our yoga tutorial or follow the following yoga teaching steps for simple yoga practice.

Practicing yoga makes you more confident and beautiful.

Plow is a Yoga action that many of us often practice, because practicing plow can improve our blood circulation.

So, what details should we pay attention to when practicing plow? 1.

Yoga plow posture anyone will think that it is crazy to let the neck support the weight of the whole body.

This action can damage the spine, stretch the ligaments dangerously, and even hurt your spine.

Therefore, there are certain safety problems in any yoga practice.

Both yoga masters and our junior players should pay attention to safety problems in yoga practice.

Because this action puts pressure on the vertebral cord, it is very easy to cut off the flow of blood to the brain, so it is easy to cause stroke when elderly athletes do this action.


The movement of knee extension (also known as Japanese sitting posture) pays attention to the exercise of the knee, so it has a great impact on the ligaments of the knee.

The long-term practice of this action will lead to the inability to restore the ligament after it is pulled apart, which will also lead to joint problems, resulting in many knee problems.


Sitting and standing touch foot extension sitting and standing touch foot extension is also a group of very simple yoga movements.

Adhering to this kind of movement practice will improve our appearance.

It is recommended that sedentary people practice more.

This more popular movement may lead to tension under the back, especially when doing this exercise too hard.

At first you will feel your back stretched well, but you are completely unaware of the damage to the lower back.


Stand and touch your toes.

Remember doing this exercise on the playground of primary school? This kind of stretching movement in the air raid shelter era looks beneficial and harmless on the surface, but when you bend down the waist, the abdominal muscles do not play a role.

In the long run, it is easy to cause the variability of abdominal muscles, so that you can be a patient with long-term lower back pain.


Lift your legs straight up.

When practicing this movement, sometimes we will find that our back is arched, which shows that your abdominal muscles are not very good.

Only when the back is stretched by the muscles of the waist will this kind of bow appear.

At the same time, this kind of situation will also lead to the continuous tension of your back, which will cause serious damage to the body.


Standing upright and touching toes in turn, which is often done in high school physical education, will cause damage not only to the back, but also to the groin.

Because it overstretches the ligaments below the back.


Single or double opposite hurdle stretching if you are a runner, you may do all kinds of hurdle stretching.

But don’t do this.

Because it rotates or compresses the kneecap and wrongly stretches the ligament in the middle of the knee.

Please always talk to your body during practice.

Is it comfortable or uncomfortable? Pain or no pain? Does my body feel the joy of practice?, In asana practice, you must not stick to the asana itself.

In addition to the above specific asanas, there are several asanas that also need our attention.

Yoga practice can exercise our whole body, so as to help practitioners achieve the effect of overall slimming and shaping.

However, yoga is composed of different yoga postures, and the effect is also different.

Let’s have a brief look.

For example, simple bending includes forward bending and backward bending.

But there are many changes in bending.

Many people’s spine is usually twisted.

Therefore, it is difficult to bend forward and backward to varying degrees.

for instance.

A runner is a bit like bending his lungs and exercising your gluteus maximus.

Target all the muscles in the leg.

One of the yoga poses is the arm extension pose, which belongs to a special pose.

One hand touches the back and the other reaches the shoulder.

Hands together as if shaking hands.

Sit ups are great exercises, but they don’t reach the entire range of abdominal muscles at the beginning.

There is an exercise method that will definitely make you a blockbuster at the next party.

It is a special exercise for abdominal muscles.

Isolating the muscles on both sides of the stomach and turning them upside down is called “abdominal rolling massage”.

There are also yoga poses that are aimed at balance, which brings you elegance.

Most of these asanas are standing, and many asanas are reversed.

It’s like you’ll see a lot of advertisements for promotion machines, which will confuse you.

Yogis knew the value of this exercise thousands of years ago.

Yoga poses can not only exercise familiar muscles, but also those muscles are usually not easy to exercise in traditional exercise.

For example, in lion pose, a person rolls his head back between his hands and knees.

Open your eyes and mouth and extend your tongue as far as possible.

Yoga diet – the benefits of vegetarianism 1.

Yoga vegetarianism makes people young.

Yoga attaches great importance to diet in addition to breathing and posture in order to get physical and mental health.

Many yoga learners believe that the food a person eats affects not only his body, but also his mind and consciousness.

Therefore, most of the students who practice yoga to a certain level will advocate a healthy vegetarian diet.

Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular in Guangzhou, especially when some students who often practice yoga practice to a certain level and have some understanding of the universe and life, many people will spontaneously change their eating habits and start to try vegetarianism.


Excessive meat makes people old.

The traditional yoga diet believes that eating a lot of meat will make the skin old and rough.

This is because excessive intake of meat will make the blood acidic and the lactic acid in the blood will increase.

When the human body perspires, the lactic acid will be excreted from the body, will adhere to the skin surface and begin to erode the skin.

Especially in the climate around Lingnan, its dry and hot “earth gas” is very easy to “get angry”, resulting in acne, constipation and other phenomena, making the facial skin dull and inelastic.


Alkaline vegetarianism makes people healthy, while Yoga vegetarianism is to eat vegetarianism with more alkaline, which will greatly reduce the lactic acid in the blood, and there will not be too many harmful substances discharged from the body to invade the surface skin.

Moreover, many minerals in vegetarianism can remove the garbage in the body and make the skin natural, healthy and shiny.


“Fear” enzyme is harmful to human body.

From another point of view, yoga believes that everyone should respect life.

Every life will produce fear when it is slaughtered, and the animals we eat are no exception.

The “abnormal” secretions secreted by the endocrine system are all over the blood, bones and internal organs of the killed animals.

If these animals full of toxins are absorbed by the human body, they will also be harmful to the human body over the years…

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