New Yoga Life

Yoga masters teach you hand-in-hand, the conversion from elbow handstand to back bend (dynamic diagram tutorial)

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! If the handstand is done well, the core strength is indispensable; If you bend back well, your flexibility is not bad; If the handstand and back bend are combined, it will be more perfect! Today I want to introduce you to the classic conversion of elbow handstand and back bend.

This is a little difficult.

When the elbow handstand is stable and the back bend is done, you can try! The first step is to clasp the hands with ten fingers, the elbow is the same width as the shoulder, jump to the elbow handstand with one leg, straighten the left leg backward, and keep the right leg bent to find the balance and stability before and after.

The second step is to keep the left leg down, bend the left knee, close to the ground, open the chest at the same time, strengthen the back bending and retracting the chin, and lower the head.

The third step is to find the strength of both legs after landing on the left foot, Push the chest open more.

The fourth step is the most difficult step.

How do you come? How do you go back! From the wheeled posture of supporting the ground with the elbow, lift the right leg up, start the strength of the arm, back and core to jump up, and return to the ready posture of elbow handstand.

If you can’t do it, don’t worry, step by step.

As long as you lay a good foundation, you will have strength and flexibility, control your body freely, and postures will follow.

After you’ve read it, you can watch it before you go 👍。.

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