New Yoga Life

Yoga life | understand these 8 points and let Yoga better connect life!

Yoga is not only one hour on the mat, but should continue to maintain the Yoga spirit in the other 23 hours…

Understand these 8 points and make yoga better connect with life! 1.

Make life easier.

The practice of yoga gives us the most basic coordination and balance of body and mind.

This balance should also be extended to life.

We should timely clean up the things we don’t need in life and donate them to the people in need, so as to make our life simpler.


Stick to it for a while.

Life will always face all kinds of pressure.

When life and work encounter all kinds of setbacks and pressure, tell yourself! I can face it, I can solve it, and let myself stick to it for a while! 3.

Don’t be crazy and anxious about small things.

Why do you often get angry and anxious about things? Traffic jam? Argue with colleagues? Worried about what hasn’t come yet? Before getting angry and anxious, think about whether these things are worth my anger? If I’m angry, these things will change? Instead of being angry about these things, it’s better to change your mind! 4.

There is only one time to properly empty your life.

To properly rest and relax your body and mind is to go further.

Set yourself a day of complete rest every month and take a day off! 5.

It’s never too old to learn.

Learning is not necessarily limited to students.

While practicing yoga asanas, you might as well explore the story behind yoga and recommend two yoga books for everyone to learn.

Light of yoga and Bhagavad Gita 6.

Change your eating habits.

Yoga diet pays attention to pleasant food, but does not blindly require vegetarianism.

A reasonable combination of meat and vegetables is the most key condition to ensure your health.

Try to eat three meals on time and avoid fried and greasy food.


Let happiness surround you for a short day.

Laugh when you are happy and laugh when you are unhappy, May each of us be accompanied by happiness! 8.

Accept imperfections.

Everyone’s temper and character are naturally different.

Don’t force others to accept their own views.

Learn to accept their imperfections and also accept others’ shortcomings! Yoga is everywhere in life, and practice is everywhere in life ▼ teacher wechat ▼▼ recommend good lessons and good things in the near future, and select yoga products in the lower left corner..

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