New Yoga Life

Yoga is the science of eliminating boundaries

Fundamentally speaking, yoga is the science of eliminating boundaries.

From the simplest creatures to human beings, they are in the most basic living state, and their lives are drawing boundaries for themselves.

Every creature, including humans, has been drawing its own boundaries.

You will see a dog pee everywhere, not because of its urinary system problems, but because it is defining its own territory.

If you put your time and energy into how to build your boundaries, no matter how smart you are, you can’t experience the boundless inside.

Everything is your behavior, your karma that separates you from the universe.

You will feel lonely in front of something energetic and inclusive.

When we talk about adiyogi (the first yogi), we call him a yogi.

Anyone who breaks or eliminates his boundaries is called a yogi.

As we all know, he was the first person to do this, so we call him adiyuji.

When we establish his prestige, this is his energy at work.

If people sit there, slowly, their lives will begin to move towards the elimination of boundaries and towards infinity.

This is the only goal.

We have no other goal for anything.

It was his idea that life could evolve; Evolution does not need to be limited to physical form.

People can develop consciously, which is the most liberating possibility he reveals.

The whole science of yoga is his.

My effort is to make people recognize the great existence of this extraordinary contribution.

Support me to achieve this goal, because these will be a powerful means to raise people’s awareness.

The body has boundaries, that’s not the point – it’s the basic quality of the body.

The boundary has penetrated into your heart.

The body has its own attitude, its self, its nature.

For example, you decide, “starting tomorrow, I’m going to get up at 5 a.m.

and take a walk.” You set the alarm clock.

The alarm clock rings and you want to get up, but your body says, “turn off the alarm clock and go to bed.” The body has its own thoughts, doesn’t it? Hatha Yoga is a way to act on the body.

Through training and purification, the body is prepared to receive higher levels of energy and possibility.

The body can be a path to your spiritual growth or a major obstacle.

Suppose a part of your body – your hand, foot or back – is injured.

When the body is seriously injured, it is difficult for you to yearn for other higher things, because at this time, the body has become the most important thing.

Now, if you have back pain, in your opinion, the most important thing in the universe is your back pain.

Others may not understand, but for those who are suffering physically, that is the most important thing.

Even if God appears, you will ask him to let your back pain disappear! You won’t ask for anything else because your body has such a great influence on you.

If your body doesn’t work well, it will deprive you of all the other ambitions and pursuits in your life.

No matter what you like, once your body starts to ache, all your desires will disappear – because it takes a lot of power to surpass physical pain, which most people don’t have.

Now your mind wants boundaries, and your emotions want boundaries.

It is precisely because you put a lot of energy into the boundary of creation that the boundless world within will be outside the scope of your experience.

This is the key to the problem.

Unfortunately, most people cannot simply live in this universe.

They want to live in a room.

They want to live in a “prison”.

They don’t want to live in the vast universe, which is the living place for them to experience.

Yoga means eliminating boundaries.

If you sit here, you just need to sit here.

In this universe, you don’t need to belong to your own boundaries.

You don’t need this so-called “your own space”.

Love & grace..

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