New Yoga Life

Yoga is pulling ligaments too painful. Don’t you want to practice? These four stretching principles are very important for beginners to

Often practice yoga.

We all know that after yoga practice, both body and mind will be healed.

For people with rigid body, the correct Yoga stretching can not only improve the flexibility of muscles, but also improve the flexibility of joints.

But in real life, when it comes to yoga, many beginners’ first reaction is that Yoga ligaments are too painful and don’t want to practice.

In fact, first of all, I want to tell you that yoga is not only stretching, and yoga stretching is not stretching ligaments, but more fascia and muscles.

Ligaments are the last line of defense to maintain joint stability and can’t be marathon casually.

If the ligament is loose, your joint will be loose.

It is not only prone to bounce and deformation, but also increases the probability of sprains and falls.

Secondly, the four principles of Yoga stretching for beginners are really important.

Principle 1: Yoga stretching is based on the “painless” principle.

Many people believe that stretching has no effect if there is no pain.

In fact, if Yoga stretching produces severe pain, the human body will automatically trigger the protective mechanism of nervous system receptors, and the muscles will enter a state of self-protection to fight it and avoid soft tissue injury.

Therefore, if you want Yoga stretching to produce good results, it is best to carry out it in a “painless” and comfortable state, which is the most effective.

Feel the tension of muscle stretching or slight pulling pain (about 2-3 points of pain) is enough.

Principle 2: warm up before stretching.

Many physiological evidences show that muscles with slightly higher temperature have much better stretching effect than those with lower temperature, especially in cold winter.

Effective warm-up can not only improve muscle temperature, relieve adhesion, but also activate joints and make people feel better Muscles and joints should be well prepared for exercise, so as to effectively avoid injury.

Principle 3: step by step principle for beginners, don’t do some actions that your body can’t bear for vanity and face.

Be sure to step by step.

Start with the most basic actions and practice yoga.

In fact, the simpler the actions, the better the effect.

Principle 4: avoid the principle of compensation.

When practicing yoga, many people have knee pain when practicing lotus, and wrist pain when practicing inclined plate.

At this time, please stop because your yoga practice compensates.

The reason why yoga practice can be compensated is related to the warm-up before yoga, the way of exertion in yoga, the order of muscle recruitment, movement mode and so on.

Therefore, in case of compensatory pain, you must stop to check and adjust.

Finally, I want to tell beginners that yoga is really super good.

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