New Yoga Life

Yoga has been hot for so long, and you still can’t do difficult asanas? You should practice these 16 basic movements often!

When practicing yoga, people often ask, “teacher, I’ve been doing yoga for 4 or 5 years.

Why can’t I do difficult asanas? Why can anyone do difficult asanas in a year and a few months? What’s going on?” In fact, if you want to do difficult asanas, it has nothing to do with yoga for several years.

It is more related to your own physical conditions and the time, frequency, times and content of practice.

If two people have similar physical conditions, one person practices once a month for three years, and the other person practices every day for three months, who do you think has made greater progress? In addition, if you want to practice yoga, you should not only keep up with the practice time, frequency and times, but also comprehensively and scientifically.

For example, all the arms, back, core and legs required by the following difficult postures should be practiced, rather than just some of them.

1、 8 yoga moves to strengthen the arms & core 1.

Inclined plate & variant prone, put both hands on both sides of the chest, hook the toes back, push the heels back, tighten the thigh muscles, support the body with both hands upward, slowly straighten the arms, keep the body in a straight line from head to foot, and strengthen 5-8 breaths: straighten the left arm forward, keep 5-8 breaths, and change the other side 2 Keep the posture of the inclined board of the body unchanged in the four column style, slowly bend the elbows downward, form the big arms into 90 degrees, clamp the chest with the big arms parallel to the ground, and maintain 5-8 breaths.


Exhale in the upper dog style, raise the head and straighten the chest, use the power of both hands to push the ground to extend the body forward and upward, slowly straighten the arms while extending the body, lift both legs off the ground into the upper dog style, and maintain 5-8 breaths.


Hook the toes of the lower dog style, Step the heel down on the hip upward, push the thigh back and straighten the body and arms, and enter the downward dog pose in an inverted “V” shape to maintain 5-8 breaths.


The elbow support plate body enters the inclined plate to bend the elbow forward, and the forearm is close to the ground to enter the elbow bending plate to maintain 5-8 breaths.


Step the heel down on the hip upward in the half arm downward dog pose, and extend the spine into the half arm downward dog pose to maintain 5-8 breaths.

7 Bend the left knee in downward dog style, keep the left knee close to the inner side of the big arm for 5-8 breaths, and change the other side to restore the inclined plate preparation.


Open the side support body to the right, bend the lower elbow directly in front, and hold the hip with the forearm close to the ground for 5-8 breaths.

Change two or four Yoga actions on the other side to strengthen the back and arm.


Locust style & variant lie prone on the cushion surface, Put your hands on both sides of your body to exhale, lift your feet the same width as your hips, lift your legs backward and upward, try to close your legs to the middle, exhale again, open your chest, extend the back of your neck, look ahead, extend your arms forward, and then slowly open them to both sides in a Y-shape to maintain 3-5 breaths, open your hands on both sides in a T-shape to maintain 3-5 breaths, and extend your arms backward, Keep 3-5 breaths, and then repeat exercise 10-11 from the back to the front.

Sit and stand on the cushion surface with your knees bent close to your abdomen and your arms on the back of your body, perpendicular to the ground, with your fingers pointing towards your toes.

Your legs are the same width as your hips, exhale, lift your hips up into the table pose, keep 3-5 breaths, and then straighten your legs in turn and enter the anti inclined plate exhale, Open your chest and bend back, extend your head back and keep breathing for 3-5 times.


Stand half upside down against the wall.

Start from the sitting position, extend your legs to the wall, then put the Yoga brick next to your hips as a fixed position, put your palm on the brick position, turn around and walk slowly up the wall until your hips are vertical to the ground, and push your feet against the wall, If your body is L-shaped, you can also try to stretch one leg to the ceiling to keep 3-5 breaths, walk your feet down and come back, three or four Yoga actions to strengthen your legs.


Stand in mountain style with high bow, open your feet about longer than one leg, turn your right foot outward 90 degrees, turn your hips to the right, bend your right knee, keep your knees no longer than your toes, lift your left heel, straighten your left leg, inhale, lift your hands up over your head and exhale, Relax and sink the shoulders, keep 5-8 breaths, change the other side 14.

Soldier 3 mountain style arm lift up, the palm is relative to the same shoulder width, fold the body from the hip and lift the left leg up, the left leg is parallel to the ground, the toe hooks back, the heel pushes the right foot to push the ground, the right leg is perpendicular to the ground, the arm and spine extend forward, relax the shoulder and neck, stop for 5-8 rounds of breathing, change the opposite side 15.

Half moon style enters the chest from soldier 3 Open the hip and turn to the left knee, point the left foot tip to the left, pedal the left heel, extend the left arm to find the sky, push the right finger tip to the ground, push the right foot to the ground, straighten the right leg and extend the back, stop for 5 rounds of breathing, change to the opposite side 16.

Side corner mountain standing, open the appropriate distance of both feet, turn the left foot outward 90 degrees, exhale the left heel to the arch of the right foot, bend the left knee, inhale the knee and toe in a straight line, Hold your hands flat on your side and exhale, bend your body to the left, put your left elbow on your thigh and your right arm clip your ear, and keep 5-8 breaths on the other side ▼ teacher wechat ▼ ▼ recommend yoga products in the lower left corner of recent good classes and good things..

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