Yoga Dragon   Chapter 24   I’m ho. Ho is me

Chapter 24 I am “fan”.

My Yoga action means the purification of the body, which is better than general breathing and practice.

It is not only mechanical, scientific, but also philosophical.

For example, “guru, my father urgently asked me to do an administrative job in Bangladesh Nagpur Railway Bureau.

But I refused.” I said with hope, “won’t you let me become a monk?” I looked at my guru with praying eyes.

Over the years, in order to test his determination to become a monk, he refused my request.

Today, however, he smiled graciously.

“Well, I’ll shave your hair and become a monk tomorrow,” he continued quietly.

“I’m glad you can continue to strengthen your desire to become a monk.

Nahiri mahasai often said,” God will not be invited in the summer of life; God will not come in the winter.

“” Dear Guru, I belong to the Sangha group as I belong to you.

“I smiled at him affectionately.

“Those who do not have a wife worry about the Lord’s affairs and want to please the Lord.

Those who have a wife worry about the world’s affairs and want to please their wife.” (Note 1) I have several friends who have married after spiritual discipline training.

I have observed them, because worldly affairs bind their bodies, I do not know how to concentrate and sit still.

Putting God second in my life is unbelievable to me.

God is the master of the universe, silently giving all kinds of gifts to the world from generation to generation.

Man has only one thing in return, that is his love for God.

He can grasp this love or send it out.

The creator secretly hides in the atom of creation with painstaking efforts.

His only motivation and desire is to hope that people can seek happiness through free will.

He put away his omnipotent iron hand and showed his humility in everything.

The next day is the most memorable day of my life.

I remember that in July 1914, just one Thursday a few weeks after graduating from University, it was sunny that day.

In Ashlan, xilongpo, the master dyed a silk screen orange.

The color of traditional monk robes.

When the cloth was dry, my guru draped the cloth over me to symbolize the monk’s robe.

“One day you will go to the west, where you like silk best.” he said, “I choose silk to replace the traditional cotton cloth as a symbol.” monks in India are poor, and it is not common to wear silk robes; However, many yogis wear silk cloth clothes, because silk can preserve the characteristics of fine wave flow of the body better than cotton.

“I don’t like rituals.” the Lord udyswar stressed, “I use a simple and grand way (bidwatmanner called the ceremony of conversion to the beginning.” the cumbersome ceremony (bibidisa) will hold a fire sacrifice.

During the fire sacrifice, a symbolic funeral will be performed; it symbolizes that the disciples’ flesh is burned, destroyed and died in the flame of intelligence.

Then sing a poem to the new couple, such as: “Self nature is supreme consciousness” (Note 3), or “you are that”, or “I am God”.

However, utisvar likes simplicity.

Instead of those complicated rituals, he simply asks me to choose a Dharma name.

“I give you the right to choose a Dharma name,” he said with a smile.

“Ucananda” (Note 4) thought about it and I replied.

The name means “through the Divine Union (yoga) Ananda.

“” that’s it! Then you give up your earthly name mukonda LAL Kosh; from now on, you are called yugananda, belonging to the Sangha Geely sect.

” When I knelt before the Lord udyswar and heard the guru say my name for the first time, I was filled with joy and gratitude.

His tireless love made a little boy mukonda become a monk yucananda in the future.

I was happy to sing a few lines of praise in Sanskrit from shangkaraa Li (Note 5): “It’s not mind, intelligence, self or feeling; it’s not heaven or earth.

I’m nothing.

I’m” Ho “, I’m” Ho “, happy spirit! I’m” Ho “.

I have no beginning, no end, and I have no class.

I have no father, no mother, and nothing.

I’m” Ho “, I’m” Ho “, I’m” Ho “, lucky spirit! I’m” ho! ” Becoming a monk in India is highly respected.

For centuries, this tradition has been inherited from shangkala.

There are many monks in this group, perhaps millions.

They become a member as long as they convert to a monk’s family.

Sangha group B traces its origin to the Supreme Master senbaraeharya.

They swear to keep poverty (no property) , be compassionate and obey the elders or spiritual leaders.

The Catholic Organization is the same as the ancient form of this Sangha group in many aspects.

After the name of monk Dharma, the name of the sect should be added to identify the sect to which it belongs.

These ten sects include: giri mountain, that is, the Lord of the venerable Lord eudesvagili, me too.

There are others, such as Sagar sea and Bharati land , Puri pipeline, Saraswati (Natural Intelligence), ticha (Holy Land) and aranya forest.

The Dharma name of Sinhala often ends with “Ananda” ; supreme joy; it means to strive to practice Xuangong in order to reach a certain level or obtain the sacred characteristics of love, intelligence, discernment, piety, service or yoga, so as to achieve the achievement of “Li pan Zhengguo”.

The name at the end of the name indicates the harmony with nature.

It means to do selfless service to all mankind and abandon the concept of human persistence and ambition to lead every monk Actively participate in the work and education of giving back to the society.

Not only in India, but also occasionally abroad.

A monk has the idea that he is only a brother when he returns to the sea, abandoning class, dogma, race, color, gender and other prejudices.

His consciousness and subconscious are full of the thought of “I am him”.

He wanders in the secular world and does not mix with others.

In this way, he is in the name of “venerable” (Swami) means a person who is the unity of Dali and SWA (self).

The Lord udyswar has the names of “Swami” and “yogi”.

The “Swami” refers to the organizational relationship between a monk and the Sangha sect, not necessarily a “yogi”.

The person who practices metaphysical skills in order to achieve positive results is a “yogi” He can marry and become a family or become a monk and be single; he can enter the world or be born.

The “venerable” can only follow the dogma, act according to the dogma, and die without emotion, and the “yogi” It is to cultivate the body and mind step by step according to the Dharma, so that the soul can be liberated.

A yogi can understand the mystery through all kinds of training.

The Dharma is handed down by the saints and sages of the past generation, not just by vows or faith.

Every generation of capable people in India have achieved positive results with the help of yoga.

Like other sciences, the exercise of yoga is regardless of climate and time, Everyone can learn.

Some ignorant people wrote a book explaining that yoga is not suitable for Westerners with long hands and legs.

This is nonsense.

It prevents people from moving to good and achieving good results.

Yoga is the method of controlling their thoughts.

Without guidance, they can’t see their true self.

Like the sun, its healing ability can benefit both East and West.

Ordinary people’s thoughts are endless, and their horses don’t stop, which is obvious and urgent The ancient sage bertangali (Note 6) defined yoga as “a wave of steady transformation in consciousness.” (Note 7) his short classic “Yoga Sutras” is one of the six philosophical schools in India.

These six philosophical systems are not only theory, but also practice, which is different from western philosophy..

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