Yoga crescent is a necessary action to open your crotch and erect your fork. Why can’t you find the feeling of stretching?

In the previous article, it was just said that the back foot of a yoga warrior can’t step on the ground.

One reason is that the hip joint extension and internal rotation ability is not enough.

Pure dry goods sharing / / what if the back heel of a yoga warrior can’t step on the ground? In that article, I said that doing more crescent pose can exercise the ability of hip joint extension and internal rotation, which is very helpful to Zhan Yi.

Then a friend asked me, saying that crescent is a necessary action for hip opening and vertical fork.

Why can’t she find the feeling of leg stretching when practicing Crescent pose? It seems that the effect of hip opening is not good.

Why? Compared with yoga, crescent stretching is stronger and strength training is weaker.

First, let’s get to know the new moon pose and its practice methods.

Crescent pose, as shown in the figure below: the lunge is ready to bend the left knee, the right lower leg is vertical to the ground, the knee toes face directly in front, the left leg is extended backward, the back of the knee and leg is on the ground, the pelvis is upright, the spine is upright, inhale, lift both hands up over the head and exhale, sink the shoulders and hips, and maintain 5 ~ 8 groups of reverse side exercises after breathing.

Compared with the warrior, his center of gravity is relatively low, In addition, the instep of the lower leg of the rear leg completely falls to the ground, and the foundation is relatively stable, so the strength he needs is relatively less, which is easier to be stable; Of course, because Xinfan’s knees and insteps fall to the ground and the distance between his legs is relatively large, the extension range of the hip joint and the front side of the body will be stronger.

Several points that are easy to make mistakes in crescent and their solutions.

In order to facilitate the explanation and make you see more clearly, we explain the right and wrong one by one through the right and wrong diagram.

Comparison Figure 1.

The main problem is that the knee is not in the right position and the pelvis is not in the right position.

In figure a, the knee is not in the right position and deviates outward.

The solution: first, when doing this action, separate your feet with the same width as the pelvis, and step on the extension line of the sitting bone with the forefoot soles, Keep the distance between your legs the same width as your pelvis.

Secondly, keep your knees directly above your ankles and facing your toes in front.

See this, I don’t know if you think of another variant.

The figure below: in this pose, your knees actively open outward, but the soles of your feet will also rotate outward.

The key is to ensure that your knees and toes face the same direction.


The pelvis is not in a plane.

Solution: pull the front hip backward and push the rear hip forward.

We talk a lot about this sentence in the figure below.

It is almost mentioned in the pose with both legs placed in front and back.

Compare the new moon, warrior style, enhanced side exhibition, semi God monkey style, vertical fork and so on.

In the previous article, we also mentioned that the posterior hip should not only push forward, but also rotate the hip inward to ensure that both hips are in a horizontal plane.

Looking at the wrong picture, you will find that after the hip rotates outward and the pelvis is not upright, the spine can not be upright, and the whole upper body will be twisted and unbalanced on both sides.

Once the pelvis is aligned, these problems are solved.

Comparison of right and wrong Figure 2.

The main problem is the collapse of the waist.

The collapse of the waist in the figure below is a particularly easy mistake in this pose, and it is not easy to be found, or it is mistakenly believed that the pelvis should be tilted forward in this pose.

Solution: tighten the core, roll up the tailbone, lift the pubic bone, put the pelvis in the right position, and release space for the lumbar spine.

Keep the pelvis in a stable position, and then sink the hip downward.

Many beginners may feel a little confused when looking at this comparison diagram of right and wrong, and they can’t feel the difference.

I’ll mention it by the way.

If you don’t feel the waist collapse in the wrong demonstration: A.

please observe the radian of the lines of clothes, hats and hips, one small, one large, one long and one short.


Then observe the distance between the front legs and the ground, one high and one low.

Here, the height of the pelvis from the ground does not mean that you have a large extension, but the forward inclination of the pelvis offsets the extension of the hip joint and the front thigh, so you can go down more.

Speaking of this, let’s answer the above friend’s question.

Why can’t you exercise your hip extension ability and have a strong sense of stretching in the new moon pose? Because you didn’t stretch the hip extensor muscle group at all, the normal should be: extend the thigh backward, keep the pelvis in the right position or lean back to stretch the hip and exercise the hip extension ability.

But if the thighs straighten back, but the pelvis leans forward, the stretching force is offset.

So some people say that if you want to put down the vertical fork, you should insist on practicing the crescent pose.

Of course, the premise is that you practice it right.

Positive comparison Figure 3.

Forward translation of thoracic spine.

This point in the figure below is also very easy to be wrong, especially in the pose of raising both hands up.

Because the flexibility of the shoulder joint is not high, but you want to raise your hands over your head, move your chest forward and draw an arc.

Naturally, your shoulders will go back and your head will be directly above your head.

However, this method is wrong.

The translation of the thoracic vertebra replaces the opening and lifting of the thoracic vertebra.

At the same time, the downward will enlarge the lumbar curvature and squeeze the waist; And it’s easy to push the lower corners of the ribs out to form rib valgus.

Solution: collect the abdomen, ribs, chest and chest, and fully stretch the front of the body.

If you can’t lift your hands over your head to both sides of your ears, move forward, for example, like Lin Zhiling, or even move forward and down.

These are the main mistakes of the crescent pose in the figure below.

Compare and correct your own practice, Yoga practice is to improve and make progress in constantly discovering and correcting mistakes.

Pay attention to everything and share health and beauty!..

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