Yoga bricks are used in this way, and the asana is much more standard (classic tutorial)

On the way to yoga, you should either focus on yoga or practice yoga on the way to yoga.

Yoga aids are very good helpers.

Today, let’s share the use of yoga bricks.

By using yoga bricks, you can deepen your practice and understanding of asanas, and make up for the lack of strength and flexibility.


Camel style: kneel on your knees, align your knees with the hip width, put your hands back on the brick, lift your chest, and relax your head back, which can make up for the lack of flexibility in the front of your hip and spine.

2 In downward dog pose, open your feet the same width as your hips, straighten your legs, extend your sitting bones backward, straighten your arms, and extend your spine.

Yoga bricks under your hands can help you find the extension of your spine.

3 In the half moon pose, the left leg is raised parallel to the ground, the right leg is straightened, the left hand is raised, the palm is facing forward and down, and the hand is placed on the Yoga brick to find a better extension and maintain physical stability.

4 Crane style {double foot ball steps on the Yoga brick and lands on the ground with both hands, the same width as the shoulder, raises the hip, the center of gravity is forward, the forearm is vertical to the ground, and tiptoe heels can maintain body balance and reduce fear.

5 In the four pillar support style, two yoga bricks are erected and placed under the two shoulders respectively.

Lower the shoulders on the Yoga brick and press the hands down.

Pushing the shoulders away from the Yoga brick can help establish physical stability and make up for lack of strength.

6 Side crane} yoga bricks are placed on the shoulders and chest, the legs are bent together, and the legs are twisted to the same side.

The legs are as close to the armpits as possible to help support and control balance 7 Yoga squat with feet outside eight open squat position, yoga brick pad under the hips, elbows supported on the inner sides of both knees, and straight back can help open the hips and avoid unstable center of gravity falling backward 8 Lying hero style yoga brick is placed between the feet, and the body is tilted back under the head.

The upper body is straight, and the hand is placed on the Yoga brick, which can make up for the lack of flexibility of the front of the hip, the front of the thigh and the knee.

9 Heroes sit with both hands to pull out the hip muscles and let the sitting bones sit at 1 / 3 of the Yoga brick, which can help keep the back spine straight.

Yoga is a practice suitable for everyone.

If you can’t do any posture, you can use yoga brick and other aids to make variants, practice safely and step by step.

The purpose of using assistive devices is to get rid of assistive devices- Today’s topic: using assistive devices is to get rid of assistive devices.

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